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  1. M

    Will there be Menstruation flow when still BF?

    hi hi BF is not total full proof will still get preg. it doesn't mean u dont menstrate u are not ovaluating. so ladies be careful
  2. M

    Any mothers using slow cooker to cook baby's porridge?

    if want to cook porridge fast, soak the rice in water abt 1/2hr & put the soaked rice & some water to blend it. for younger bb blend longer till all crushed for bb like 8-9mths just awhile still can see some grains. with that need only cook 45mins-1hr w high heat. my mum usually cook the...
  3. M

    Will there be Menstruation flow when still BF?

    hi i am total EBM & menses came when my boy 7mths & now he is 10mths still EBM. EBM drop slightly when menses come but went back norm when menses finish. So dont ever use BF as a form of prevention as get preg too
  4. M

    Any Good Pediatrician to recommend?

    hi my son also under Dr EK Ong fr SBCC at TMC level 5. I would storngly recommend him as he is a v patient dr who will give u all information & he will ans all my qns even thou the q is super long outside. As my son is a premee & was assigned to DR AAT at TMC level 3 initially, she...
