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  1. Y

    (2013/09) September 2013

    Happy CNY to all mummies here! BluBeri, don't worry, I'm sure junior will be fine. Sometimes 6 wk is too early to detect heartbeat.. Viiv, i can't take sweet stuff too, so i find Anmum ok for me. It worked with my no.1 but now with no. 2, i'm having MS that I never encounter with no. 1...
  2. Y

    (2013/09) September 2013

    ferendipity, first tri alrdy taking so much supplement? duphaston is for the spotting.. If i rmbr correctly, first tri only folic. the rest come in progressively during 2nd/3rd tri...
  3. Y

    (2013/09) September 2013

    Wow, can't catch up with all the posts! Went to see gynae last EDD would be 19 Sep and not 13 Sept that I calculated..hv updated the spreadsheet.
  4. Y

    (2013/09) September 2013

    Hi Madeleine, first born...must be v exciting for u n hb! =)
  5. Y

    (2013/09) September 2013

    I also tested positive this week. This is my #2 too. Sticking with Dr Ang from Int' Women's Clinic...will be seeing her in 2 weeks' time. Seems like it's #2 for us here so far.. =)
  6. Y

    * Anybody use Safety 1st car seats?

    Hi Adelynn, Is the infant car seat still available?
