Search results

  1. M

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    Hi,all, Need a favor from you! Anyone has experience to look for a live-in maid? Could you please recommend one to me or recommend an agency/agent who I can trust to find a suitable maid? Thank you in advance!
  2. M

    (2007/02) February

    Hi, Priviledged, Thanks for the advice! Since I am new to S'pore, I am still not so sure about the medical system here. All private hospitals are recommended by my family doctor in International Medical Clinic. And same feeling here too. Hungry all the time but don't feel like to eat...
  3. M

    (2007/02) February

    Hi, all I am new here and I am newcomer to S'pore too. My friend recommend this website to me and I am glad to find so many MTB here to share experience. I haven't decided my gyne yet and am not sure which hospital to choose either. My doc. suggested 4 private hospitals--MEH, GH, TMC and...
