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  1. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Its kind of shock feeling as the kicks is happen in very sudden....;)
  2. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    I have started feeling my little kick since last week....i am now in week 21. I am sure it was not a gas!!! A feeling of something is moving quickly inside your tummy... quite interesting;)
  3. M

    (2015/11) Nov 2015 Mummies

    Dear mummies, Congrats!! Could someone add me to the FB page? [email protected]
  4. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Belly button popping out is likely having a boy!! are you ?? congrats;) !!
  5. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    my is EDD 7 Dec. ^5^
  6. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    5! we are almost having same condition.
  7. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    I am expecting my #1 . Weeks 14 now. Having mild MS since weeks 8 until now. Get worst especially evening time. Always feeling bloated and gassy. Gained weight in about 1-2KG in my 1st trimester. Swallowing supplements like fish oil, multivit and calcium are an issue for me almost everyday...
  8. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Well... I have an average appetite but have poor quality of sleep. I think this is the reason I'm with tired looking. All supplements are super big sizes whereby my understanding is we need to consume throughout the end of journey. Personally, i had difficulty of swallow big size of...
  9. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Hi Mummies, I am with DR Benjamin Tham. I have been given quite number of supplements like B6 vitamin, Omega fish oil, New obimin (multivitamin+mineral) and Calcium. The smell of New obimin is kinda killing me where i cant even take one. Would like to seek for advice. Do we really needs to...
  10. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    I have booked for package number 1 with the cost of $800.00
  11. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Hi Momo, i am also with DR Ben Tham. EDD is 7 Dec. Nice to know you. I am drinking lemon water to ease my MS feeling. You may wanna try.
  12. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Hi qiqi, can add me to the group? [email protected] :)
