Search results

  1. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    hi mummies, im into my 7 weeks.. din experience any MS.. jus slight cramp, tiredness and craving for sweet and spicy stuff... am I normal.. had a scan at week 5-6 only seen yolk sac
  2. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    im into my 7 weeks and I don't have MS.. only have slight cramp and craving for spicy and sweet stuff..
  3. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    I din received any FB invites.. my email is [email protected].. seeing my gynae tonight..
  4. M

    (2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

    Hello! Tested positive 2 days ago.. Using baby centre app EDD 18Dec.. Can add me.. [email protected]
