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  1. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies Above, about headaches during pregnancy. I got it during no.1 time too. I think I'll have to get my tcm to alter my herbs during next visit. On the note about massages to relief headaches. I've been made aware that there are 2...
  2. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    Yes :) Some hubbies are great CL, there has been many examples of such :) :) I'm sure u both can do it...!!! Even when he goes back to work, he can still help to feed bb in the middle of night, say, help once, so u don't hv to wake up so many times in middle of night, that is if you choose to...
  3. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    I see. As long as CL gets sufficient time with baby and mother chores, plus rest, should be ok. Good if hubby can help out with some housework too. Cos I feel the marketing, food storage/ preparation, cooking chores, washings are quite a lot, besides having to feed baby every 2 hourly at the...
  4. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    Last week mine was like migraine. This week is milder but so unbearable. Mine is usually the front of the head down to the nose area. As is ms isn't enough :( Sighh...CL can only pray for the best. Word of mouth is very important, and pro breastfeeding. If u have a live in maid, maybe it will...
  5. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    I'm starting to get more episodes of headache these days. I read that it's the preggy hormones. Anyone experiencing this too?
  6. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    If no CL, means the grandparent has to sleep with baby at night during confinement. Depends on if they can take it or not cos can only sleep abt 2-3 hrs then need to wake up and feed again, very tiring for older folks. Good to buy Bu for them too. Mummy will need to sleep well during...
  7. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    ya I think big holidays will be harder. Aim for small ones :) Gotta keep our interests and hobby going :) If can go for the first short trip with the baby, then all will be history. First is always the hardest, can plan something very simple, staycation nature. Now we are also trying to keep...
  8. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    heee...may not get so many special treatments when preggy with no.2 too. So must treasure this 'honeymoon' period now. Now when I talk to hubby abt no.2 he will be busy with my girl, reading or singing or playing. To be honest I feel I can't quite get enough attention from him at times but...
  9. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    Yes quite true. This morning I was thinking hopefully by then the older 1 is more guai already, then will be easier to travel with 2 young kids. Cos basically the baby just need to be fed will zzz a lot too. Our so-called best (most relaxing) trip with my girl was when she was 3 months old...
  10. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    My sil has fibroids for both her pregnancies and gave birth to healthy kids :)
  11. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    wow I love your pre pregnancy plan :) I have a very simple wish ever since I got preggy with no.1, that is to ski. Been putting on hold since no.1 and almost flew to Hokkaido last Jan to ski. Ended up hubby isn't that keen, so we went to Hokkaido in July instead for the lavender season, without...
  12. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    Don't think like that la... you know how it's like, if we keep thinking it's Black, we see Black. So all the more impt we think it's White now...heee I feel that in Asian society, quitting one's job without a backup is perceived as bad bad bad, unlike in the western society. So I feel it's...
  13. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    I can wear my usual shorts and pants since quite a few weeks back, partly oso due to discomfort fr the bloatedness, partly the tummy getting bigger. Second pregnancy the bump will grow faster too. I think I won't be abt to fit into 1 of my cny clothes :( I've started wearing maternity shorts...
  14. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    Talking abt stretch mark, I keep forgetting to start applying the cream :(
  15. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    All the very best. Hope it's a false alarm. Maybe can consider tcm herbs going forward.
  16. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    For back stretches in the office, I'm thinking can try to twist at the waist whilst seated on the chair. maybe can hold the back rest n hold the position a bit. Key is to twist the spine.
  17. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    Just got my Harmony test results. It's a Boy, 1:10,000 I'm soooooo sooooo relief. Goodness me. All the very best to all your scan test results!! Jiayou everyone
  18. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    Eating cautions seriously may be quite a chore :( With no.1 I was very careful... Now with no.2 I just try to avoid undercooked food and potentially unclean food as listeria is still a concern nonetheless. Previously I would totally avoid deli meat, but now I'll get them warmed up (well done)...
  19. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    Ouch! Mosquito spray cannot :( Recently I discovered there are mossies in the nights and will only go for my girl when we are all tucked in. Was thinking can fumigate the room with mossie spray. Right now just using mossie patch on her cot. She got bitten about 13 bites over 2 nights, so angry...
  20. V

    (2015/08) Aug 2015 Mummies

    Me sahm...I won't be looking for infant care. But I know some sahm runs home business and or have more than 1 kiddo, so they usually will have different baby care arrangements. Really depends on circumstances. Like though I'm sahm, I started my girl in childcare at 18 months cos we plan to...
