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  1. W

    IVF with KKH (Tan HH)

    Thank you and I can't thank all the ladies in here. Luck and emotions plus some old wife tales may be did help this time. Thus to all dun give up hope set target to break this zero. If u thinking praying helps do it, if u think wear someone preggy dress helps do it, just do note for all things...
  2. W

    Advice for delay of transfer of ownership due to divorce

    hai u not bad liao my vdivorce was oversea and ex wife agree to tro to me but hdb do not regconised it and insisit she come down sign now i have a family of my own soon hdb still insisit. really wtf
  3. W

    IVF with KKH (Tan HH)

    Ladies, i am back. For those who wondering who i am, well firstly not a mrs but a mr. We like many others here enbark on the journey about 1 year ago with many falls from IUI and IVF. Why suddenly i am back is because we hit the jackpot!! Our gyne is none other than KKH and yes he is a very...
  4. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Just wanna say thanks to all the encouragement to all had give , though each time is a hope but i guess till certain stage have to learn how to numb the hope and search for answer. life still carry on thus ringing the mrs for a holiday soon to further add more laughter to our lives. Anyway to...
  5. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    just check with my mrs and we did the test she confirmed where i am neg and she is on the mild side and was given the all system go from the doc. well just can see what the external doc can find out for her this week. thanks for the advise
  6. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Kitty, thanks. Yeap that's the frustration when fail and the reply is "there is no explanation" and just keep changing medication. Thus mrs and myself decided to do additional check. Again not saying the current doc is not good but expectation between patients and doctor maybe not gel yet ;)
  7. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Agree TKN, personally will prefer the approach if there is a problem let's investigate that problem and plug that issue first. Also know IVF is not 100% possible too this i know too and per mentioned i respect the doc decision too.
  8. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Takes to hands to clap, anyway seems a 3rd doc, Dr Chen from Chong Pang saw her today (for outside of circle options) suspect too is the hormones and given her medication. Not to say anything but each doc will have each view and i respect that too, not getting a successful case may make them sad...
  9. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    me do not think i have that issue , our doc thh.
  10. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Raffles Hospital detected her homones are high due to the "homones generator" in the head, where the body will think is already preggy the other (which kk say no issue and neuro from ttsh say no issue) the other is her family got history of thalassemia but shoudl be mild as i do not see it since...
  11. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thank you Wan, all these while looking for answer but keep getting none from our doc except all is fine all is fine, feel like switching to TMC instead of KK complete waste of time if after 2 iui and 1x ivf still cannot detect any issue when we already highlight mrs got 2 areas of concern which...
  12. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi ALL, How is everyone doing? Just checking in to see how is everyone. Mrs will be going for 1st IVF review tomorrow after the big fat no seems something is not in her favor about the eggs. Was on the brink of giving up and going childless after the BFN event but i kinda of settle down and...
  13. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Well if u believe it will happen if u not believe it will not happen. Fs is good for the house to be set in proper harmony and each dewllers well being. Sometimes to have or not kids is due to one's karma and fate. In Buddhist view to be childless is a blessing because there is no lobger ownage...
  14. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Ladies and M2b Merry Xmas to all and may more baby dust go to all who are trying hard for that bundle of joy!!
  15. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Wan, Merry Xmas to u, still is the healing period a very quiet xmas for us both. I do not want to talk abt it as dun wan the sore point in both to be worst. But think she is pressuring herself too much as she felt another failure. Good pt is my mum in fact ask us to give up going childless...
  16. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi if bu saturday no one take it can u om me? Hahaha yes as a hubby I believe in old wife tale and tryimg still for baby luck
  17. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    during 2ww my mother in law refuse to let my wife take any herbs or cooling stuff, even like white radish is not allow, for her meal everything is simple with sauce only. Guess the thing is scare she over heat or too cooling but you may like to check with your TCM doc on it also because during...
  18. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks Bunny for the quick Alert reply. For supplements will have to consult doc first but for food intake will have to force her to start with what was mentioned.
  19. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks Dawn, not a long post but am informative one. Planning to visit a doctor to assess the intake of dhea, good infromation on some of the non medical infromation. I hope she will be strong too cos from a guy point each cycle is an emotional and mental ride for me too everything was like...
  20. W

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thank You very much TK Neo, hopefully this will help improve the situation.
