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  1. P

    Any mums stay @ sengkang

    this is the first time i come into this thread, it really really pains me to see this poor little bb in tears... I pray that GOD will have mercy on this little one... Pris, let's claim God's promises that Jadon will grow up healthier than his peers ! AMEN to that ! please keep me updated on this...
  2. P

    Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

    oic ! haha Then for my case, you've to add a new category ! Now I'm a FTWM but come July, I'll be a Full Time Studying Mum (FTSM) haha
  3. P

    Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

    hi hi ! Me too, Seng Kanger ! What;s all the acroynm : SAHM, FTWM, WFHM ? My data : phoebesmum - 319C Anchorvale, 1 girl (4.5 mths)
