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  1. M

    Any Mummy Who's Also a Teacher?

    any new teachers joining the july 06 NIE training?
  2. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    jen, replied u already.
  3. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    jen, i am so excited about the upgrade in shoutz ... it allows 3 blogs with one userid now. it now supports private messaging and who's online too.. :D
  4. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    sj, maybe u want to remove the full stops behind your blog address as it affects the link.
  5. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    thanks jen, i changed my profile already...hopefully it's working. mngo, u cute lah...must be trying very sophiscated stuff on your blog...i very kia si...every change also must preview first then i change. i also backup a copy of my template on a word file in case i work until like blur...
  6. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    mngo, actually i am totally cluess about html before i tried. it's really not that tough. the real skill is 'cut and paste' haha. the change i made in that blog is fairly basic things. when in blogger, i totally design the whole look and feel after consulting a few samples. because i am...
  7. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    Thanks Jen, so tempted?? heehee I can teach you a trick or 2 if you are trying. one other feature in this is the categorisation of topics which previously I do not have. if you like moods, livejournal has that, i add my own in my blogs.
  8. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    haha jen, not tempting just sharing..:D anyway, i have changed the look of my child's blog from standard template. you can take a look at the blog:
  9. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    pjen, glad to know your photo is working now. to me, part of the blogging fun is to be able to do some simple customising DIY. :D oh jen, another thing I enjoy in the shoutz blog that blogger/blogspot does not have are the built-in smilies icons.
  10. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    jen, actually the question is not stupid. the template can work except that variable names calling for data has to be changed, eg, the blog date, time..etc. when u log on, on the left panel, there is a support and FAQ. click that and you will find "templates and variables" guide. for...
  11. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    jen, if you enter the link in shoutz blog, when you click on it, it will bring you back to your blogspot. as for creating 2 blogs, i don't think so. so personally i have created 2 separate blog id one for my dd and one for myself. i think the reason is simple cos to add friends in the...
  12. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    pjen, your blog profile has a size limit. likely your photo is too big. need to size down then upload again, you shud be able to see thereafter. HTHs.
  13. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    pjen, u mean host your photos with a url link? you can try,
  14. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    shook, mngo, i do not see a transfer program to do this automatically now or i never look hard enough. but there is a link function that you can insert a pointer to your blogspot link if you have a few years of entries in there. i had about 60+ entries to migrate so it was not so painful...
  15. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    mngo, blogspot/blogger is indeed more flexible than livejournal which is why I love it and hang on to it until.... it became slow to access for me and I kept getting strange 403 errors. So I found the best of both worlds known as shoutzblog now.
  16. M

    Any blogs on baby?

    Jen, I have evaluated a few blogs as I am interested in a blog with security features, can change the template completely and do not have any advertisement banners. I finally found one and surprisingly, it was hosted for singaporeans. check it out if you are keen. I have looked at...
  17. M

    Any mums stay @ sengkang

    really painful to see his suffering but glad to see him recovering well.. May God continue to bless him for speedy recovery.
