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  1. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    ruggles, agree... leave it to fate. if it's meant to be it's meant to be. i believe conception is easier for you since you've already conceived once. fyi - my SIL had her 2nd baby 8 mths after first delivery. baby dust to you. siew lei, i can feel your excitement. enjoy your time now...
  2. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    hi catz, congrats! when are you due? talking about kiddy clothes. there is a shop at raffles place, embrio i think, that carries worded baby romper and i'm tickled by most of their wordings. i bot one for my niece that says, "i'm not the princess, i'm the queen". i enjoy shopping for kiddy...
  3. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    hi gals!!! how are you all doing? really miss chatting with you all here after such a long disappearing act. was really busy as i just started on my new job (again) and lots to catch up on. some updates on my end. i didn't end up seeing dr loh as i wanted to. reason being my mom's friend...
  4. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    hi bbunny, long time no hear! how are you? when do you expect to start on clomid? thanks.... yes, we'll continue to work hard towards our common goal and hope to join the mommies and mommy-to-be soon.
  5. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    catz, your boy is cute looking. are these candid shots, or was he actually posing for the camera? congrats on your pregnancy. are you hoping for a girl? how's tim reacting to the good news, assuming he knows mommy is expecting ;) cody, understandable. i'm open to try anything, perhaps...
  6. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    hi cody, i was told the best time to do OPK is between 10am - 8pm, and you should avoid drinking water, if possible, at least 1 hr before the test. hey, have you tried taking this chinese herb, tian qi? i took it for a while and it did help in regulating AF, but stopped after i started on...
  7. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    hi dawn, thanks! i got your email. yes, work is busy here and i often have to work late. however, i've also been trying to keep fit by going for classes at the gym in the evenings if time permits. hv you booked your iui date already? hi cody, yes, i will continue to test until i see a...
  8. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    hi thewife, i forgot to congratulate you lah )))) happy for you! are you getting all the preggy symptoms liao? your stools are hard because you are on iron pills? my colleague had the same problem so gynea told her to drink lots of water and increase intake of veg and fruits. btw, i...
  9. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    Siew Lei, i think ppl are in general skeptical & not willing to pay for bottled bird's nest. i can't speak for other brands but lo han kah is good, so ruggles made the right recommendation. agree. babies outgrow their clothes at lightning speed, so it's wiser to take hand-me-downs for...
  10. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    Hi Siew Lei, How nice. I bet you're gg to buy lots of nice dresses for your little princess. My colleague told me the best time to consume bird's nest is at the last trimester cos that's when the baby starts to absorb the nutrients from your daily diet. My mom takes Lo HOng Kar and...
  11. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    hi dawn, i will be starting ivf again but not after i've seen dr sheila loh in sep. have been seeing so many pregnant women at my new workplace - 4 to be exact - and it makes me wanna start a family sooner ))) what's your plan next? are you gg to try soiui again or ivf? thewife, how...
  12. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    dawn, until today i still have no luck asking around for reputable accupuncturists. i posted in one of the threads and it's been 2 weeks with no response do you have any luck at your end?
  13. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    thewife, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, esp now since you are pregnant, and it's essential to have plenty of rest becos you will feel tired easily, right? rugggles, oh my goodness.... you are so petite! envious leh. hey, how is your #2 planning coming along?
  14. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    hi ruggles, kieran is such a big boy. he's so cute looking lor... feel like giving him a big bear hug and plant some kisses on his chubby cheeks. this boy is going to grow up stealing many hearts. hi thewife, CONGRATULATIONS!!! sorry.. i'm too lazy to read the thread now... how many...
  15. S

    Address/details for TCM

    hi ladies, i'm new to this thread. i've been asking/looking around for a reputable fertility sinseh that also incorporates accupuncture as part of treatment process. i know dr xia rong from EYS is renowned for that but she's leaving soon and no longer take in new cases... any recommendations?
  16. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    hi gals.... i will peruse your postings later... meanwhile, i'm also anxious to know the gender of siew lei's baby... siew lei, don't keep us waiting for too long yeah.
  17. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    tweetie, i am not going to think about it for now, becos i know for sure i won't be lucky lor. like i told DH, it's easier for me to touch lottery then to conceive. hahaha... hv you seen your gynea yet? thewife, it's good to go for a long - if possible - and relaxing holiday. you may...
  18. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    dawn, good for you. i'm glad you're taking a break to relax your body and mind. meanwhile, do something for yourself, eg., holiday or go on a GSS shopping spree i've only consulted with dr fong yang once. i appreciated the fact that he didn't rush me into treatments as i'm sure some docs...
  19. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    thewife, where can i find the thread on dr xia rong? your friend is one of the many lucky patients of ying chuan... i was with her before and was also diagnosed with lazy ovaries and took her medication for abt 4 mths. thereafter she referred me to dr fong yang. yeah, gotta to start queueing...
  20. S

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    the wife, docs were puzzled why the fertilized embbies are not implanting to the womb when they are supposed to be of good quality, hence the study was conducted. there is no direct link yet to proof that accupunture aids implantation but they are seeing results on the women who underwent the...
