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  1. M

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Thanks misaryeo. But have u been using the manual breast pump or the electric one? the one that i have is the medela pump in style and it will need lots of batteries if i were to pump in the toilet. i've been steralising my pump after every use. is that necessary and how do u then managed...
  2. M

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Hi all Mom, Just a quastion since i guess most of u will be going back to work if u have not already done so. Care to share how u gals express ur breast milk at work? my work place do not have this facility and i m very troubled over it... i cannot imagine doing it in the toilet... i'm...
  3. M

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi wtan, My gynae not allowed to practice in KK. he can only go top pte hospital. but he did give lots of encouragement n advise when i call to update him on the progress n for advise. yes. waterbag leakage on 22 and deliver only on 27. during this period, it was total bed rest. foot was...
  4. M

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    HI all, first of all, thanks for all the posting that u gals have been contributing here in this forum. it never fail to uplift my mood whenever i come in to read. i've popped on 27 Aug 06 when baby was 34 weeks. so far, baby is growing well. i'll like to share my birthing experience with...
  5. M

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi all,
  6. M

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    hi all mtb. cleared my detail scan today. confirm it's a boy. baby was initially very co-operative, but ended up kicking me towards the end. perhaps he don like pics to be taken. hahaha. seeing my little one thru the monitor makes everything seems so real now. WE ARE GOING TO BE MUMMY SOON.. are...
  7. M

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi all, thanks for all the info n concern. i took lots of water yeasterday. calculated ones abt 2L. tis morning seems to have all cleared. perhaps i've not been drinking enough water n straining too much. hee hee so all mtb out there, remember your daily water in-take ok. even if we don wan...
  8. M

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi all mtb, i've not been very active in posting msgs here. but have been very pro-active in comin in to kapo kapo. hee hee. it really so informative. thanks for all the various advise and lobangs you gal have posted. For the past 2 days, there has been alot of blood in the toilet bowl when...
  9. M

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Eling, i'm about 4-6 weeks i guess. i've receive my test result today. my blood seems to be a little low on iron. need to replenish it according to the doc. otherwise i feel more tired easily. ohter than tat, guess i m putting on abit of wt as my pants feel abit tighter. can i start drinking...
  10. M

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    thanks e-ling. thou i m mentally prepared for a bb, it still caught me off guarded when i saw the double red line.seems tat everthings gonna change. feel so uncomfortable trying to squeeze into my old clothes. should i buy now or wait a while more? where can i get gd deals? i tink i also like u...
  11. M

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi all, just tested +ve. been to see a GP who is doing some blood test for me. results should be out tml. Could anyone please advise what i should do next? i so confuse & lost. Which Gynae should i look for? have been having cramps too. is this normal? this is my first pregnancy and i'm so...
