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  1. L


    mademoiselle, I pun beli cd yusuf islam. my son suker sekali. bila dia dengar, nanti dia tepuk tepuk tangan! (actually, semua lagu dia tepuk! har har!) My son turning one this month, but we decide to forgo the bdae party, pasal banyak sangat internal we decide to fly to krabi...
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    hello semua, aisey, banyaknya posts! my eyes blur blur already..LOL! rms, wah, very big age gap eh... my boy is 11 mths...and i feel like getting pregnant again! hur hur! tapi kan, i rasa my hasbern will pengsan kalau dia dapat tahu..
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    hello... *sigh* busy to come son baru baik's only feb and i dah pakai dah 2 hari childcare leave! saw the table that (watie) has uploaded. here's my update: Name : little fish Location: Sembawang Occupation:office exec No. Of Kids: 1 (factory suspended for the...
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    ok, then i think i better start cleaning his gigi yang tak seberape tu dulu..heh!
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    mak-mak (hehe!), i nak tanyar, when did u get the kiddos to start brushing the teeth eh? my lil boy tengah teething..just about 2 teeth for the moment..:P
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    heloooo.. can i join this thread? boleh? boleh? :D
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    hello everyone, sorry for the long absence. i've been reading the thread through. went for my detailed scan last fri (20weeks)and behold, it's a boy! everything is normal. now the thing that puzzles me is that i've not been gaining much weight. i've been losing weight in the first trimester...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    preciousbabe, i didn't get the scan pics. but after i always carry my digi camera with me. so i just snap the scan pics lor. heh. at least both me and hubby get to look at the pics everyday. :P jasminetea: like you, i'm also worried about future expenses. we always pray for the best, but then...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    hi ladies, i'm still having ms and i'm almost 12 weeks *sobs* i'm still praying that i will not have ms for the whole pregnancy. both my husband and i decided to opt out for the down syndrome test. it's more of a personal choice. preciousbabe: hey, u do your appts at kkh? me too. and it's...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    hi, doc has confirmed my edd on 7 april 06. in my 10th wk now
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    dear choo, *hugs* take care of yourself. keep your faith and i'm sure everything will go smoothly. my appt is tomorrow.i'm very nervous thinking abt it. i did drink ginger tea to release the gas in my stomach. not too much though. just a little bit to help ease my stomach discomfort.
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    twiggy, pls take care ok. have bedrest if needed.. our prayers are with you. i'm pretty sure you'll be all right.
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    i'm having the same thing. feeling like vomiting..but nothing comes out. feel very bloated and full of gas. can't seem to eat coz i "feel" full and like there's still unprocess food in my stomach..*gosh*
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    hello ladies, i feel bloated today. can't seem to swallow any food. had to drink plenty of fluids instead. *sigh*. irene: i don't think i can afford a maid and also i find it very funny to have a stranger running around in the house. but i did spoke to my mom and she has agreed to take care...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi Rach, i think ure lucky to have a choice to quit your job. like May,i'm also tempted to quit but the financial burden might be too much for my husband to bear. and it's quite risky to just depend on only one rice bowl. plus, this is my first child, so i'm not too sure on how baby expenses...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    good luck mandy!!! hope u pass with flying colours. glad to see that some of you are thinking about being a SAHM. at least i'm not alone :P :P. although i do think there's a lot of factors to consider before we take that step. it's so cold in the office and i've been wearing 2 jackets!!!
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    just out of curiousity, any of u girls are intending to be a SAHM after the little one is born? i'm kindda thinking about it silently.. i've not said it aloud to the husband yet. don't want to shock him yet...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    morning ladies, i just came back from my one day mc yesterday. had a slight running nose. the GP gave me some pills and he said that i can take the normal panadol (not the xtra strong ones) if i have headaches or a slight fever. nothing to worry about. spend the whole day yesterday sleeping...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    jasminetea thanks for sharing!!! my bottoms are getting tighter. after a meal, wah lau, i feel like my pants going to burst liao! i think i have to shop for drawstrings now. i'm still doing housework like ironing and folding but i get my hubby to bring out the poles for hanging. i just put...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    choo, the maternity clothes are all so expensive! i got a shock when i went to mothercare last week. and some of them are not really nice. i think i'll probably just wear bigger sizes clothes instead..heh!
