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  1. A

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    bluelips.. aiyo my girl stil din poo leh.. im going to bring her to the PD later.. gosh.. i've tried china barley but stil doesnt help.. u gave prune juice so fast? i dare not.. duno if her tummy can take it anot.. yes.. i've heard frisolac isnt as heaty as e rest of e milk powder.. but i dun...
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hi Summer, Ju.. dun nid to add e winter melon sticks at all right? okie.. i'll try tmrw.. reli hope she will poo tmrw leh.. she's on FM (similac).. any idea if similac very 'heaty'? re: honey.. ya many pple said it's not advisable to feed bb @ such young age.. cos some honey contains pollen..
  3. A

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    hi mummies.. need some advice URGENTLY.. my girl didnt poo for 5days! though she doesnt hv e habit to poo e'day... usually 2-3days but 5days is reli too long.. am worried sick.. has anyone encounter such prob b4? my parents feed her water e'day...
  4. A

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    furry2.. bo bian lah.. ur ILs are juz too happy to c her.. so cant resist kissing & hugging her.. i noe how u feel.. when i was down wif flu e other time.. i dare not even go & c her though my mum said it was ok.. i play safe than be sori
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    furry2.. hey ur FIL shd zi dong abit mah.. bb's immunity not as gd as us leh.. but not to worry since u said she's doing fine today..
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    summer.... adoi.. ur boy like "little sumo" leh.. sooo cute... hee.. he's reli big size for his age.. cant tahan to carry him for long hor.. tmr is mon again.. very sianz..
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    chin.. coolz.. but i definitely agree wif u.. if her bb doesnt like to share e rm wif others.. y bring him out in e 1st place? so 'gor tak' (selfish)... anyway u dun be angry le.. nnjoy wkends wif ur boy okie aprilpinky... aiyooyoo.. ur boy beri beri cute & he looks very 'macho' in tis...
  8. A

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    cheeriomum... i've not decided where to bring her for a shave yet.. mabe those neighbourhood salons... heard those aunties more exp.. where u going urs?
  9. A

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    hippobab.. walau.. cant stand ur MIL (sori to say tat) but it's reli insensitive of her to make such remarks! anyway u r right! mommy & bb definitely hv e strongest bond fr day 1 when she's in our womb! dun bother too much of wat she has commented.. hv a great wkends wif ur bb ya...
  10. A

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    this pic was taken on wed... wif me! she's oways playing wif her saliva
  11. A

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Pei... our bb will be 4mths on the 24Mar... im going to bring her to shave her hair cos it's so uneven.. reli look so farnie.. moreover she has tis 'ah gor lor'... hopefully after shaving.. her hair will be neater & more even.. i was told not all bb's hair will grow evenly after shave...
  12. A

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    hi pei.. welcome.. hey.. our bb share e same birthdate!! 24nov!!
  13. A

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    anyone of u hv any gd part-time hse cleaner to recommend? im staying in tampines..
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    opps.. im abit late.. pics r up oredi!! heh heh.. aiyoh.. i missed out d fun sob sob..
  15. A

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    hi mummies (who went to d fair).. so sorry i cldnt make it to meet everyone today.. coz i gotta wrk & when i went to fetch my girl.. she was having her afternoon nap.. & when i finally reached expo.. haizz.. it was raining so heavily.. so my hb said 4get it.. will go tmr instead... so...
  16. A

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    ahFAT.. i'll try my best to meet up all of u @ Expo but bcoz i knock off @ 1pm.. tink by d time i reach Expo will be abt 2+ to 3pm leh.. i'll gif u a call to c if u all r stil arnd okie.. reli hope to c all of u there.. very look fwd to tis gathering secali gotta wrk.. haiizz.. LewLianSoh...
  17. A

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    hi.. hi.. howz everybody?? i've been MIA for awhile.. coz i started wrk last wk haiizz.. cldnt get my momentum bk @ wrk.. "engine" bueh start leh.. then after wrk.. gotta go over my parents' pl to c my girl.. so no time to log in & chat.. ahFat.. i've to wrk tis sat.. tink i cant...
  18. A

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    berlin.. baby2005 to tis thread.. manuka.. my gal oso drop hair on e back.. & e sides.. which some of u here mentioned 'ah gor lor'.. & was told to get her gu gu to buy shoes for her.. u tried asking her to buy shoes? it doesnt work? hee.. anyway i tink i'll shave my gal's hair when...
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    dili mummy.. tks for d updates! Delivered @ MA EDD: 8/12/05 Popped on: 24/11/05 Birth Wt: 2.73kg 1mth: 4.2kg Ht: 55cm 3mth: stil not sure yet (wil updated u again) hippobab.. am interested in Ookie Doll too!! where can we get it??
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    chin.. oh my.. u said it!! reli scared my gal will '4get' me too.. but at least u all r so much beta.. can stil see ur bb in e morn b4 leaving for wrk.. i've to leave my gal wif my parents on sun nite & can oni bring her bk on fri nite.. we stay too far fr my parents.. cant let her travel to...
