Search results

  1. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi Sharon, bought a BN one from 1 of the mummies in the forum at $32..its playskool ride and walk the moment, he is still figuring out how to really crawl...he can only move forward a bit and backwards...will sit back when unstable.. very cautious bb cos he afraid of...
  2. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi sharon, Sabrina looks so cute and can stand so steady... I have a similar strider..looking toward to the day my boi can use it...haha Hi vone, aiyo..u din managed to escape in time huh...kena bitten until blue black...nvr mind cj sayang u hor...btw my mum is the only victim who get...
  3. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi i need milk, Do the cry-it-out method really work?? but my hubby and mum is not very supportive of it lei..and we worry that will disturb the neighbours cos my boi is a super loud stereo..haha..and he will continue to cry even when he lose his voice.... Hi Lib, Thanks for the...
  4. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi cupcake, mine boi also just cannot sleep through the night.....keep telling myself that he will soon grow out of this phase...but dun know when..*haiz*..his case is he like to search for his pacifier when we got to keep picking up and putting into his mouth for him...can be...
  5. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi all mummies, its a long weekend again....enjoy!!! wah..the children's day party is a great idea..will try my best to attend.....
  6. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi i'm a mummy, I used the normal calendar mth...just assume that...dun know whether next one will be accurate or not...hehe..
  7. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi i'm a mummy, ya...tried when i was preggie lor..agree that its quite accurate lei... a number of my friends also accurate...
  8. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi tingting, ya totally agree...same situation with my boi...everything he also wanna touch and grab liao..that day he even used his hanky to clean the sofa...took away the hanky and he protested.... and he is quite a timid bb..sometimes open the lid of containers too loud..he will jump and...
  9. P

    Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

    Hi all mummies, chance upon this thread and find that its so happening and moving so fast...can i join u all?? me staying at woodlands and FTWM with a 7 mths boi...wah the BBQ is very tempting looking at the food list...
  10. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi all mummies, Anyone interested in getting things from this site: cos $60 then free delivery....can pm me and let me know...thks
  11. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi Sharon, my bb take 3 x 200ml of milk, total is 600ml...yes...he will finish everything....usually will not reject we also have to take care not to overfeed him..hehe...maybe u wanna try increasing her milk intake lor... Hi coffeedrinker, hey...our bbs share the same feeding...
  12. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi sharon, ur ger is so sweet and adorable...*hugz* boi is born on 22/09..2 days later...hehe...he is taking 2 solids at 11am and 7pm of 1 small bowl of brown rice powder with puree veges or addition to 3 milk feeds of 200ml each...hope this helps u...
  13. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi triniti, o i c...he can usually sleep through the night without milk...but sometimes he really like to twist and turn in his sleep then a while later start to cry especially when he suddenly flip to his front and unable to turn back sideway...gotta to help him...haiz.. will see how...
  14. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi zaczac, thks for the offer to collect the cereals for me...ok will let u know if i need ur help..maybe can meet up for kopi lor... wah...zac can say apple boi also make a lot of sound but cannot understand what he saying lei...hehe...btw..zac drink how much milk in total for 1...
  15. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi small bell, interested in the zoo outing lei..but have to cannot make it liao.. will look out for the next outing lor...hope u all enjoy the trip...
  16. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi coffeedrinker, my boi is on mamil gold step 2, previously he was on S26 not too sure also whether u sld switch to step 2 but i think step 2 have some extra ingredients such as AA and SA...actually me quite blur also when comparing fm cos now they have so many extras....maybe can...
  17. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi angel, congrats on megan's achievement...she really very adorable...wah really advance lei...mine like to stand and jump up and down with me supporting him...hehe All mummies, Weekend is here again....enjoy!!!!
  18. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi tingting, u always have good jokes to share hor....very funny indeed... guess the morale is dun jump to conclusion and only listening to 1 side of a story lor... Hi zaczac, no problem...thks for collecting for me..will sms u next week to collect from u... my boi also sometimes wake...
  19. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi brownie2003, thks...will try out ur suggestion and hopefully he will like it...cos when give apple on its own..he dun really like...anyway he poo almost every day...just that these 2 days the poo is hard and he make a lot of noise...btw, u like to eat brownie....cos of ur
  20. P

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi brownie2003, thks for ur advice...been giving my boi gripe water everyday...hopefully he gets better and return to his usual poo poo..hehe Hi ixwong, been giving him oatmeal cereal until i think he sick of it liao...hehe...he never had constipation until recently but will poo after...
