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  1. tipsystar

    (2015/03) March 2015 mummies

    Yep normally is like that cos even if u go for ultrasound at week 5 or 6 also can't really see the pea yet but just a sac! But if you wan to go to the gynae to confirm that you are pregnant also ok. :)
  2. tipsystar

    (2015/03) March 2015 mummies

    Hi simzoe! :) our EDD is just one day apart and it's my #1 too! I just went for scan too this morning but can't really see much except for the sac.. But it's amazing! But I have some pregnancy complications and gotta see a gynae on Monday again. Hope the little one in me stay strong!
  3. tipsystar

    (2015/03) March 2015 mummies

    Hmm seems like all of you are seeing a gynae liao. Should I start seeing one too? Sorry! This is my #1. Haha dunno what to do. I'm seeing a GO who specialises in ultrasound tmr. I saw a lot of preg with the GP till they are quite big. confused. Haha
  4. tipsystar

    (2015/03) March 2015 mummies

    Thanks for the assurance! I thought it wasn't normal.. :/ Going to see a doc tmr for scan! Hope to see the little one soon. Haha So excited!
  5. tipsystar

    (2015/03) March 2015 mummies

    Z2 & pooh32, same here too! i'm hungry like every 4 hours.. ;( feeling nauseous too.. i'm having cramps now and then.. is it normal? Anyone experiencing that too?
  6. tipsystar

    (2015/03) March 2015 mummies

    hi horizonswift! hope things will be better for you.. i just got my first sign of vommitting. :S Hang in there. Things should get better after 1st trimester.. :)
  7. tipsystar

    (2015/03) March 2015 mummies

    Hello everyone! Can i join the thread too?? :) this is my #1! @twinklelight my edd is the same as yours! 5 march! but i use web calculator to calculate my edd. OMG! i'm in the teaching field too. Am already planning how to take maternity leave.. haha Any gynae to recommend? @jayc can add me...
  8. tipsystar

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Hi all! would like to join this chat! Have been trying to conceive for the past 1 yr but to no avail.. :( hope that everything is going smooth for all of u! Having AF now after being 2 weeks late. Hopes totally dashed :( when AF came. any good gynae to recommend for fertility checkup?
