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  1. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    I latch when outside with nursing cover. Too troublesome to bring ebm and all the nic nacs esp when carrying bb in carrier.
  2. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Pooh girl I let my CL handle baby all the time. I only handle when need to bf. It's a luxury now so rest more when u can. After CL leave u dun want to carry baby also cannot liao..
  3. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Queensg, 1. I will pump every 3 hrs in the day time. Pump till breasts r empty 2. Normal household fridge, can store bm if kept in the freezer compartment for 3 mths. 3. I intend to feed bottle in the day time and latch at night. Cos eventually when I go back to work, baby will be bottle...
  4. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Actually latching is also v tiring. I 100% latch so far. Now that bb is 1 month old, I will start to intro bottle. So that other caregivers can feed and can free myself to do some other things.
  5. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Pooh girl, it's normal. Not depression just post natal blues. I also felt emotional and teary for a while during confinement. Will get better soon. Talk to ur hubby, it worked for me
  6. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    I have a set of freemie cups for sale if u r interested. Mine is the freemie equality set. Brand new.
  7. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    I have started the WA chat with joie mummy. Any mummies want to join pls PM me ur number :)
  8. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    I think YC is v good. She even thinks of how to make mummies feel better post natal. I'm surprised she gave vit d to take with the calcium pills. Cos she knows all mummies will be finding at home doing confinement and not exposed to sun hence no vit d to help absorb the calcium. My Gynae for #1...
  9. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Mummies who want to join the wa chat can pm me? I will add u in
  10. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Mummies I'm thinking of starting a WA group so that we can chat and share experiences more easily? Anyone keen?
  11. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Yes I think the exsativa really helps! Any mummy still doing full direct latch? I am still latching full time but am thinking of starting to intro bottles after confinement. At least it frees me up for a couple of hr if my family members can help to feed bottle for 1 feed in the pm. Like what...
  12. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    I had no pain since second day in the hospital. I think is the gynae excellent stitching skills. I'm still having some intermittent bleeding. Gynae said will take 4-6- weeks to clear. I'm at week 3 going 4 post partum now
  13. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    I think to reduce ur supply, u can pump less. And every time u pump, don't pump till empty. Just pump to reduce the engorgement.
  14. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    I half guessed ur pd is ang AT. She was the PD for my #1 when I gave birth at tmc and I didn't like her at all. This time round I chose another pd and he actually used a tool to tap on baby chest to get a reading of jaundice. If the reading exceed a certain level then will proceed to do blood...
  15. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Try giving ur baby ridwind before every feed. Kkh prescribed it to my #1 before did to the same merlion and colic issue and I later found that this is easily available in pharmacies outside like unity, guardian and watson.
  16. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Candymoshi, try not to pump so much becos the more u pump the more milk the body will produce. Try to put a leaf from a cold cabbage on ur breast to relieve the pain. Then slowly hand express the milk out. But latching baby would be the best way to unclog everything.
  17. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Xpicks, who is ur pd at tmc? My pd at tmc did some sort of test (but not blood test) on baby before letting us bring her home upon discharge.
  18. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Better go hospital now
  19. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Pochacco123, are u fully dl or are u exclusively pumping? I am fully dl now but would like to start to pump to store. Can u share with me ur routine of feeding and pumping?
  20. D

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Besides the 1 time post delivery check up at gynae and pd, I stayed at home all the time for confinement. Less than 2 more weeks to go for me. Actually I quite enjoy confinement mainly because I have a very good confinement nanny who takes very good care of baby and cook really tasty food for...
