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  1. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Hi mummies, did u all get car seat for ur lo? I'm currently using maxi cosi infant car seat. Wana get another one since he'll outgrow the infant one soon. Any recommendations?
  2. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Mine also took. And no diarrhoea. I think the PD was just pre-empting us. To monitor in case got blood in stool due to excessive diarrhoea.
  3. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Mine also! He was nvr like that last time. But now starting to be cranky n cries loudly. Have to take me awhile to calm him down then he will fall asleep. Sigh.
  4. luvyz

    Dislike pumping

    I read it's nt abt the quantity but the quality of the milk that we are giving our babies. Dun be too hard on urself.
  5. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Kopibeanie... my shoulders also damn stiff and pain. Does acupuncture helps?
  6. luvyz

    Dislike pumping

    Are u using too high speed? Initially I max the speed. Nips so sore till once I pumped blood out. Shocked me. Now I only used medium speed. Takes longer to empty the breast but not as painful n sore already. N I also spaced out the intervals from 3hrly to now 4.5hrly/6hrly
  7. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Pooh girl... My wrist n fingers hurt too.... my little one was already 6.1kg at 2mths. Now just turned 3mths. I feel my wrists breaking man. Lol
  8. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Yeah. I'm confused lo. But I suppose can remove it occasionally to let him explore using his feet bah. Haha
  9. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Are your babies still wearing socks all the time or only during night time? My mil says no socks required during the day. Confused...
  10. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Anybody going back to work soon? I'm so emotional and worried thinking that my baby is gonna be closer to the helper or my mil. Sobs sobs
  11. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    @hyuain My edd same as you! But I popped on 21st Aug. After 22hrs since my water bag burst at 1030pm on 20th Aug. The wait is such an agony. But totally worth it!! :) Jia you!! Your turn soon!
  12. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    My water bag burst!! But after I admitted, just checked dilation only 0.5cm.. looks like a long night n wait for me..
  13. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Me too! My edd same as queeensg.. Scared!! And excited!!
  14. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    We having same edd! :) Today I officially stop work le.. Super tiring to rush up n down. And pelvic also hurting.. I think u too optimistic to work till 20th. Lol. We need rest! Haha
  15. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Smooth & safe delivery to all mummies! So exciting to hear all starting to pop. Haha. I wonder when's my turn? 35 weeks now. I can't wait!!! :)
  16. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Such a smiley girl!!!! Sweetie pie! Congrats!! :)
  17. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Hi mummies, have u all completed ur shopping? Any cots & strollers to recommend? I'm so confused by the wide range of selections.
  18. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    @attorney you've gotta be a happy n healthy mummy. Don't worry too much. Once ur baby comes out, the joy n happiness will make everyone forget the pain. Jia you!
  19. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Thanks all. Yups. We can all see the finishing line soon!! Jia you too all mummies! Safe delivery for all! :)
  20. luvyz

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Not good for me... :( 32wks now then diagnosed with high BP. Have to be on medication. Thankfully little boy is growing well at ard 1.9kg.
