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  1. M

    Mayuki Spree 33 - No handling fee - jj

    Hi, Transfer done. Transfer Currency and Amount S$101.10 Transaction Reference 10752606576
  2. M

    Mayuki Spree 33 - No handling fee - jj

    Hi, My orders as follow: Nick: Micheliz Registered Post 拼色口袋刷毛洋裝藍色 F Item No: 2034397 Colour: Blue Size: F Qty: 1 Price: 199 Alternative colour/size: drop...
  3. M

    Mayuki Spree 33 - No handling fee - jj

    Hi, I've made payment of $87.95 via IB on 13 Nov 2012. Transaction ref: 10281018119. Please check.
  4. M

    Mayuki Spree 33 - No handling fee - jj

    Hi, Nickname: Micheliz Postage please Item 1: URL: 綴花邊抓皺鬆緊七分褲 深灰 M colour: Dark Grey Size: M Qty: 1 Price: 299 Alternative colour/size: drop Item 2: URL...
