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  1. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Renee, Really envy that you have the feel for baking/cooking. I do enjoy cooking as well but there are only standard dishes to cook and also dun cook very well. As for baking worst... my cake become "Huat Guay". I bought a few cooking books but afterwhile it is place in the bookshelf to...
  2. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Ad, Dun be discourage... you know my uncle and aunty married for 10years and don't even have kids. She conceived at the age of 39 for the 1st child and now she give birth to the 2nd child at 43. 2 of my colleagues age 38 & 39 gave birth to a health BB boy and gal. I'm also clinging...
  3. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Yvonne & Renee, Thanks for your advice... I have actually registered at KKH for counselling and prepared to go for HSG according to the IVF plan in Apr 06 this year. However, my menses suddenly become so irregular from April onwards till I can't even do HSG and it also came non-stop...
  4. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Ad, thanks. hahaha..doing some self consoling. I'm interested in belly dancing.. may I asked which studio you are joining? That day my co. is having NDP celebration and hired a belly dancer to teach us some basic belly dancing and it is quite fun. Just don't know which one is a good...
  5. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi hi, Have not been in this forum for a year liao I guess... couldn't catch up with all the information. Encourage to see so many preggie but even more encourage to see brave ladies accepting the "failure". I delayed my IVF and have been seeing chinese sinseh to improve my health...
  6. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Sunrise, Oh i c, he is not a bad sinseh and I'm sure you will be in good hand. It is good to be mentally prepare for the worst and in fact IVF/ICSI is not as bad as we think. Look at some of the sisters here that have succeed. It is really encouraging. I'm preparing to do in Jan 06 once...
  7. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Good morning ladies, Rainy day and gosh I'm drenched and totally wet when arrived office. Now like ruo tang ji. Sunrise, Ya I guess that herbs is to help him on strengthening his sperms. Maybe wasn't listening to what he said cos focus more on his sneezing..hahaha afraid that he will...
  8. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Peacy, No problem just take care of yourself and dun move too much during this crucial period. Have a good rest ya? Hi Sunrise, Oh it is? I went in the afternoon so didn't get to meet you. Huh? your herbs can be taken the next day? Mine have to wait till 10th then I can consummed. Now...
  9. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Peacy, Gosh!! Congrats to you on having triplets. It is very encouraging instead and hope can get some BB dust from you and PC. Very happy for you. Must take extra care and let us know your progress ok?
  10. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    tnsw, rec'd the msg and pm you back.
  11. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi hi tnsw, so nice to hear from you. Yap yap.. all of you suddently "disappear" from the thread.. so better find out where are you ladies "hiding" too... hehehe How is your boy doing? Oh I went to see MP sinseh and given some medicine to take but one side ovary is very weak. If I go for...
  12. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Sunrise, Good morning to you. I've seen the MP sinseh on Sat in afternoon. During that time, there are quite a nos. of pple and saw a couple came in when it is abt our turn. Not sure are you one of them. Ya, they have given the instruction to brew 3 to 1 bowls. But they told me to...
  13. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Vege, ya, too been busy with work and finally the project is over so quite relief. Yes, with KKH and starting next year Jan 06. Now trying to get my body back to well condition. A bit worried though cos my office is renovating in April and just got the news today so a bit sian. No problem...
  14. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi good morning ladies, Have not been in here for quite a while and wow there are so many newbies... :p Good to see so many around. Hi Potato Chip, How are you doing? Must keep your body in tip-top condition. Oh btw, I went to see the MP sinseh as well and find that he is quite...
  15. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi tomatoes, That shows that you really take care of your BBG... if I have a BB, think my BB will also be that weight or heavier... hehehehe... Nop, still doing slides for presentation.. this Friday is the presentation so rushing.. sigh! tiring have been not sleeping well and eating right...
  16. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Good afternoon to all ladies, Have been tied down with work and presentation can't come in to the forum for quite a while now.. paiseh.. trying to finish the postings. Peacy and PC, Congrats!!!!! It is really great to hear that both of you have strike. More to come I believe... thank...
  17. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Good Morning ladies, Hope you all have a good weekend. Another brand new week and time really fly fast. Christmas is nearing soon. Btw, just a word of caution. Lately, hand foot mouth disease is back attacking some of the children. 3 of my colleagues's children have been infected at the...
  18. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Ad, Thanks. Next time can call you blur queen? Dun worry and as what tomatoes has said.. your LFZ will settle the worries for you. Keep cool and cheerful. Hi Vege, Maybe you can speak to LFZ abt your intention first on doing IUI first. Otherwise we can buddy @ KKH if you dun mind me...
  19. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi cookiemz, That's what I tot also. probably would quit my current work and work from home instead. I think the ivf/icsi program requires too much rest and dun think my boss would support me. take care and rest well ya? Hi Ad, Aiyo... You make me happy only to congrat me... sigh! I dun...
  20. C

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi cookiemz, envy.. I think next yr I will be quitting my job too.. current job is too stressful. hi vege, thanks. I can only go this weekend. Hopefully by then, they still have some stocks for me. ya, now many shopping centres having sales...tempted to buy things.. but usually ended buy...
