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  1. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    I take the folic acid that I bought from GNC myself.. just continue taking.. doc didn't say have to stop or anything also. I take one pill only of the higher dosage.. can't remember how much is it now. I see my gynae at TMC. I didn't buy twin stroller.. I have 2 separate strollers now, and I...
  2. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    hello! The doc started to prescribe me duphaston in my 20th week onwards (this one is the most costly tiny pill I am eating.. lol). Then nifedipine since my 24th week. He just increased my dosage after I cleared off the side effects of the lower dosage (headaches, muscle aches, nausea etc). I...
  3. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    I wear this Blooming Marvellous maternity support belt i got from Mothercare (,default,pd.html#q=support%20belt) during their sale. I don't wear it often.. sometimes too hot but it's rather comfortable.. it's like a...
  4. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    Hello bb_aug! Welcome to the thread.. I am 29 weeks this week. Just came back from the check-up and unfortunately I failed my glucose test :( Have to follow a strict diet and monitor my blood sugar level now till the end of pregnancy.... babies are 1.2kg each now.. getting bigger and more...
  5. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    Hi nayuqi, yes it is held inside kkh's premises at their hydropool. Each sign up is for 4 sessions - $111.30 (inclusive of GST). Here's their brochure:
  6. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    Hi all, I am in my 26th week now.. time flies.. I feel like a penguin more with each passing day but glad that my babies are still growing in my tummy! Gynae has prescribed me new med in the prevention of pre-term labour. Now I am on Nifedipine and Duphaston 3x a day. If I am ok to the side...
  7. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    Jiayou sugarbunny! Be strong and positive, most importantly stay healthy for the babies :)
  8. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    Hello mummies.. I am checking how long does your babies take to outgrow their new born diapers?
  9. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    Wish that everything goes well for you! Pls rest and relax more, don't be too stressed!
  10. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    yuffie, I am also happy to be in my 2nd trimester now! Our EDD quite close... Me praying that I can pull through safely to 36/37 weeks too.... I just did my detailed scan today, both are boys! When I did the scan, was told every development of the boys are going well. Could see their brain...
  11. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    Sugarbunny, hello! I am in my 19th week now. My gynae (Dr Ben Tham, TMC) has prescribed me Duphaston 3x daily for pre-term prevention. Lenevier, any lobang for Malay massage lady?? I also looking!
  12. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    Hi lenevier, welcome and congrats!
  13. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    I see - ok shall do that then. Thanks!
  14. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    Hmm, which means my Plan B should be to check myself in at KKH as a Class C patient. If in an emergency (e.g. pre-term), I will just go to KKH and I can register then right? I assume there is no need to make a prior registration? My Plan A will still be to deliver at TMC if everything goes...
  15. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    Hi nimuhek.. this may explain the pain: At the 18th week, morning sickness will hardly bother you, which will increase your appetite and provide you with energy you may lack at this stage. However, new symptoms may start now and you should be aware of them. Thus, you may experience sudden sharp...
  16. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    Hi blueberry, want to check with you... at KKH it would be a different gynae delivering your babies right? So in the end you were delivered by your usual gynae at the week 36 visit with her?
  17. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    Hi nimuhek, mine is on the lower left side. I assume it's the baby moving or something.. coz shortly after that it was ok the following day.
  18. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    My doc prescribed me duphaston (3 x a day now till full term) so that to avoid any pre-term delivery.. anyone had the same experience too?
  19. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    that's what I am thinking and worried about too.. shall weigh the options as the delivery date nears. 37 weeks and 4 days sounds like a good amount of time for the twins to arrive! How big were they when they were born?
  20. rainingcows

    Twins Babies SG

    Hi Sunshine2005, jiayou to the second one too. Meanwhile, take care of yourself! :)
