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  1. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Missyz, Ouhh hugs2.. yea im having slightly intense cramping now at lower abdomen. I harap2 implantation but tuh la e symptoms is same as my early sign of menses. :( Ouhh nari I hiburkan ati I dgn astro world suka tgk ceria popstar, suka sgt tgk bdk kecik ni namanya wafi dpt peluag kedua utk ke...
  2. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Morning syrian, Teruskan ur immunocal. Cos I think its better than taking egg whites esp when not too sure how many eggs is enough. Ada egg besar ada kecik kan. Jia yo.. may ur follicles grow &grow. missyz, so far u ggt any symptoms? I, yest got ewmc like 3 times when I chk. Then this morning...
  3. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Syrian, yay! Thats a gd figure. Just nice for Left & Right.. hopes ur follicles grows round2, nicely then can proceed to retrival. U on short protocol kan?
  4. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Hi missyz.. ouhh confuse.. ure also known as NurA. Sorry la I wasnt existed in this forum ur last fresh cycle.. tuh yg confuse jap. Dear I nk ask u abt tcm meds & anti-oxidant is wad eh. U f/u with tcm too eh? I didnt, cos when I ask raffles hosp it was like 400++.. for e 5 session ivf boost...
  5. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Hi rainbow, Jgn putus asa ok. In sha allah dgn terus usaha you, u akan berjaya. Just one thing, may I knw why you tak terus step in to do ivf? Ur dr advise iui dulu? Cos I failed 1 iui, then my dr advise to do ivf.
  6. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Hi missyz, Sorry for e late reply. The post been getting in too fast that I missed urs. Alhamdulilah I am on my 2ww. My fresh ET was on 23/9.. means to say today is my 4dp. My beta will b on 9oct. So far skr ape yg I baca frm forum, I cuba. I drink red logan date. Eat yam. Today i eat seulas...
  7. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Salam syg sistas semua, Just had ET with dr sadhana. Alhamdulilahi rabbi alamin.. my 1 lucky egg turns into 4 cell embroys. Dr kata a nice looking, equally fragmented. Syukur kpd allah, moga allah da tertulis inilah satu2nye harapan sar. Doakan2 moga menjadi ye..
  8. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Hi syrian, I'm will f/u with cardio just waiting for appt date. Hi sue, In sha allah mudahan2. Im have faith yg allah da merancangkan segalanya yg terbaik. Thks ladies for all ur doas..
  9. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Syrian, I do hav past history but that was 2011. Same thing when I had to undergo laparscopy, my heartbeat was high same sign of svt. I went to cardiology for a yr but I was discharge cos e symptoms did not repeat I was told am fit to undergo any operation. I will chk with cardiology at NHC if...
  10. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    I mean reaching kkivf on monday 7.30am.
  11. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    I will tell e nurse upon reaching kkivf tmr 7.30. If can tell em to wait I ask hubby to go nearest bank & pay $5 for cheque. I will f/u with cardiology at NHC, I have palpitation & svt, e team of dr tried for almost 4hrs to bring down my 150 hrtbeat so they conclude I b admitted SGH. Bila i dgr...
  12. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Hi sue, I sld hav ask b4 nursr release me. Nak call my ET is alr gg to be monday. I wasnt thinkibg gd tat time, I was push in at 7.40 for ER, but I had cardiac prob for 4hrs during my recovery. Kesian nurse2 kat situ OT cos today sat kn should be half day. Hee2
  13. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Hi syrian & sue, Ouh thks I must fine oth ways to get a cheque bk, cos my hubby's expired. My ET mon morning, tkd plak time nak go bank as just now I finish ER ard 1pm. My follicles was'nt gg as expected. The 2 leading ones got big til 28.5 & 22.5 but yet e small ones r ranging 14-10. But dr...
  14. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Hi sue, U have any idea if can pay by oth modes of payment?
  15. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Hi, back frm ER.. Nk tanya u all knw tak, ARP yg great eastern insurance we hav to pay depending on e no of embroys on ET day, only by cheque?
  16. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Salam syg sistas semua, Doakan agar besok ER sar berjln dgn sempurna. Amin.. :)
  17. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group im so excited for u sue, I googled & found this site. Seems u are on high beta at 4wks. Higher chance of twins.. hee2 all e best..
  18. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Alhamdulilah.. congrats sue & blurs.. Tumpang gembita dpt tau u both positive positive.. menghagatkan semangat kitaorg semua utk tidak putus asa. Sar doakan u both hav a smooth pregnancy. Out of curiosity, u both tau ke kalo twins ke?
  19. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Salam syg sista semua, How u all's been? For yg gg for BT 16/17 good luck, mesti berkoba2 countdown lagi beberapa ari je lagii kan. Im so anxious waiting for follicles to grow to required size. My ER estimation has been postpone for 3 times. Now taking lutropin. Sakitnye mcm kena semut api...
  20. sar_san juniors

    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    A well written blog on infertility from a male perspective. Just sharing...
