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  1. R

    Renovating kitchen

    Hi is there anyone who's had gd experience doing up their kitchens?I've heard so much about contractors who do not do a gd job. Anyone can recommend one?
  2. R

    (2019/05/29) Factory Price - Windows/ Grilles/ Gates/ Repairs

    hi can i noe whats your quote for three window grilles only which is the small kind of window of old flats. thks
  3. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    deardyan is it a band to help hold out ur normal jeans? i haven heard of it before.. dun worry..its the pregnancy hormones which make our hips expand! it will be bk to normal after birth with the good old post natal massage!
  4. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Hoo.. its so nice tt u are helping ur wife. Maybe try set a positive mindset n help her stay healthy.. I think as long as it's not bright red it shd not be alarming.. have more happy tots yeah.all the best!
  5. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Thks me too! [email protected] This grp is increasing fast:)
  6. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Wah cuiling still 40 min jog huh..i 20 min surrender liao.. Lalaa showing not yet..but hips n waist getting wider.
  7. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Cuiling I think yes we nd assurance a lot. But I read abt this China lady who had been running marathons throughout her pregnancy. .so yes I think it's possible too.juz make sure not to tire ourselves too much.. E200 sometimes there's false negative too..Juz wait a few ore days.. I had to wait...
  8. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Thks lalaa.. me hoping no ms too! Hehe thks Joyce.. I'm hoping to see the dr at the end of the mth. . Cuiling..I'm hoping someone can ans and reassure me too..I've been jogging n being nagged by my mum all the time... hopefully someone can tell her it's alright..
  9. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Hehe bring more suan mei on the trip ok? Im really crossing my fingers it will be fine.. Most ppl say more ms will have a boy.. Dunno whether true or not..
  10. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    May i noe when was ur last mensus date? Im worried tt i may have booked the appt for the wrong week to scan...
  11. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Wow really admire those who still go for business trips when they are preg... It must be quite tough.. Travelling and all.. Deediana.. Take it slow ok? Stay calm n wait patiently.. Im sure it will be there the next time round..maybe u ovulated later than u thought n hence u may not be as far...
  12. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    hey chapa i haven really experienced anything so far.. maybe its still too early to experience? keeping fingers crossed.. im experiencing some back pain and crampy feelings throughout my back n abdomen though.. dunno wat tt means.. didnt experience it the last time round..
  13. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    wow we are having more and more jan 2015 mummies! welcome everyone..getting harder to kp track of names! pardon my pregnancy forgetfulness..i think its starting! congrats Christine.. first is always special..
  14. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Nex fri means bb will be six wks then.. Hehe im so excited.. But still gonna wait..get ur folic acid at guardian first k..
  15. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Take care reia.. Will pray for of urself in the meantime.. Hi 5 kwx! Im not gg to see the dr till 8 wks.. Hopefully can noe when is my edd.. I did one on 29 april but din test positive.. Think i ovulated later than u..
  16. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Wow queen u stay near both parents? I'm currently shuffling btw parents n in laws cos both wanna see their granddaughter. .like weekdays at my parents and weekends at in laws..I guess now it's ok cos she doesn't have sch..I dunno what to do when she grows older..
  17. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Me too.. Planned this time round.. And applaud u guys for trying for a third.. Its like so hard nowadays to handle so many.. Sch stress... Are all working mums?
  18. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Wow chapa n lalaa u guys haf the same age babies.. Playmates! Congrats to us all:) but cuiling i agree tt we nd not see dr so early.. Cos its kinda like the usual.. Prenatal night.. So sweet
  19. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Haha ur up so late?! i juz woke up..hungry..i tot of juz getting some folic acid..dun wanna visit the doc so early this time
  20. R

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Thks lots!
