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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    老师您好, 我有个query and hope u can spare the time to help me. 我在我家翁家找到了一幅好旧的送子观音的画(it is framed up in wooden frame) 它完好无损。好像是我已故家婆以前用来求子的。(who is my husband,she has many daughters before him.) If i don't wish to hang up on the wall, can i put it standing on the table behind 弥勒托佛?thank you for...
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    . : Extra Marital Relationship 宿世姻缘与出轨 : .

    老师您好,my father in law just passed away last night. What can i do for him? 我能为他念什么经? pls email me. Thanks a million for your advice.
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    Outlook for Year 2014 (Year of Horse)

    老师您好,my father in law just passed away last night. What can i do for him? 我能为他念什么经吗?
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    Thank you 老师for your advice. 我知道怎么做了。谢谢您。
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    Sorry 老师, an extension to the queries above, after the photo is taken down, where should I put it? Can I put it in the drawer? I heard from 光明山 before that I have to take my mil's photo to the temple during my mil death anniversary for the monks to chant before the photo can be burnt away. Is...
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    老师, thank you for your advice on how to pray to ancestors. I had a look at My ancestor's tablet is a red tablet with some words on it but not names or "福荫子孙"'. The words on it just means something like the family 开枝散叶. I think I will take the passport photo of my mil down but not the ancestors...
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    . : Extra Marital Relationship 宿世姻缘与出轨 : .

    老师,对不起打扰了。我写了email 给您可是没有reply. 是否我的 email 去了您的 junk mail folder? Hope to hear from u soon.
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    . : Extra Marital Relationship 宿世姻缘与出轨 : .

    Hi 老师 I think I have enabled my pm settings. If u still have a problem reaching me, pls email to [email protected] My miscarriage was over a yr ago. I went for 2 unsuccessful ivf from last yr to this june.
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    . : Extra Marital Relationship 宿世姻缘与出轨 : .

    Hi Jolyon 老师 Thank you for your reply.其实我对接下来的日子没什么期待了。 我竟量看淡与随缘,不过我觉得很信苦。感谢你您能指点我。 pls pm me. Hope to hear from u soon.
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    . : Extra Marital Relationship 宿世姻缘与出轨 : .

    Hi Jolyon i chanced upon this thread at the lowest and darkest point of my life. I know u might b too busy to help me but i still hope that i can get your advice. I went to Taiwan for a trip a few yrs back to a 貔貅(天禄)shop and the 师傅 there accurately calculated with bazi that my husband...
