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  1. S

    Dr Vincent Lee from Mt E & Bishan

    Hi everyone, I haven't been to visit this place for a long time. How are all of you? Sorry meixue for not answering your must have got the answer by now! Baby is already 16 months old. I think I shall try for the next one after this because Dr Lee has just got a new...
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    Dr Vincent Lee from Mt E & Bishan

    Hi everyone, I've been soo bz the last 3 weeks looking after my little darling I had him on 4 June, just 2 days short of the due date. The epidural was fantastic, stopping the pain almost immediately. When in the second stage, I felt some pressure below, but no pain. Dr Lee then came...
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    Dr Vincent Lee from Mt E & Bishan

    Hello Xia, Nice to have met you this morning at MtE . When the nurse called your name, I guessed it was you! Hope your cough gets better soon. As you could see I'm at term, & due next week. Baby is getting heavier & I'm having a bit of backache. The antenatal CTG today showed...
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    Dr Vincent Lee from Mt E & Bishan

    Hi Val, Well done, for still breastfeeding after more than 6 months! How I wish I'll be able to do that when the time comes. Folic acid...yes I think its good to continue with it.. I'll ask Dr Lee about it the next time. Hi Serene, That's a nice bit of info for us
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    Dr Vincent Lee from Mt E & Bishan

    Hello meixue, Yes, Fun has already answered your question regarding the $500 . We are prescribed iron with multivits, as well as calcium, plus fish oil containing DHA (not cod liver oil, which silly me thought was the case!) DHA is good for the fetus brain & eye development. Folic acid...
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    Dr Vincent Lee from Mt E & Bishan

    Hi Xia, During the scan at 13 weeks, Dr Lee said my baby was very likely to be a boy! This was confirmed on the next visit at 16 weeks
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    Dr Vincent Lee from Mt E & Bishan

    Hi meixue, The $500 payment was made at 12 weeks, which is 3 months, not 5 months. It's ok, becoz some gynaes start their package at 16 weeks or 20 weeks. I heard of one in the Katong area who starts the package at 36 weeks! I think starting at 12 weeks would save quite a bit. Yes, the...
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    Dr Vincent Lee from Mt E & Bishan

    Hi Meixue, I think it was $60 for 1st consultation & $60 for the ultrasound scan. After that was $40 for consult & $40 for scan. From 12 weeks I paid $500, & then can go to the clinic for unlimited consultation visits & scans till delivery.
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    Dr Vincent Lee from Mt E & Bishan

    Meixue, I went for 1st check-up at 6 weeks pregnancy, 8 weeks pregnancy & then at 12 weeks. At 13 weeks, I went back for a nuchal translucency scan & blood tests. Since then, it has been 4 weekly. But I did go back a few times because of cough & stomach upset, & paid for...
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    Dr Vincent Lee from Mt E & Bishan

    Hi Xia, Yes, Dr Vincent Lee is my gynae. I'm in my first pregnancy. He is extremely nice & patient, takes the time to answer my questions & allays my anxieties. I feel very comfortable with him. My husband, who is the type who worries a lot, also finds him a good doctor. Go...
