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  1. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hi furry, talking abt menses. With my elder dau, i TBF her for abt 15-16mths, my menses ret on her 1st bday! very shiok no menses for so long.i read that menses will likely ret (for mummy who TBF their bb) when bb turn 6mths old. this is coz they start taking solid, thus reducing milk intake...
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hi all, Happy New Year! my little angel has turned into a small monster 2 weeks ago, she refuse to sleep in the cot. wants to be carried to sleep, once put on the cot will wake up. and at night she only wants me hi furry and mums who BF bb at night, do u have the prob that bb wants...
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    Chin Leng, Help!!

    Hi Chinleng, can u help to remove msg by ttc2nd? i post in the wrong thread.thanks
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hi Meixue, Hope you are feeling better now. for my first gal, my labour, del n recovery was not enjoyable at all! i had bad side effects of epidural too ..n was not in the mood to carry her n bf her right after birth. recovery was slow as well. i guess the not so nice experience causes bb...
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    congrates Meixue! Dili, now waiting to congratulate u ...wish u a smooth and easy labour+delivery
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    hi aprilpinky n chinlee, i did not see any LC during my stay in TMC. however a LC called me on my hp after i discharged from TMC to ask me abt my bf'g n give me alot of advice! i was pleasantly surprised, good svc TMC! they bothered to follow up! aprilpinky, is ur work place inconvenient...
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    good morning everyone! there'r so many postings, i cant catch up. on BM supply, tandem pumping will incr ur BM supply. and that u'll find urself getting more from tandem pumping. its not easy w manual pump, but with electric one, its pretty easy. those del in TMC, u may hv lactation...
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hi, congrats to all newly promoted mommies . I delivered my gal on 12 Nov 05. it was a great experience and everything going fine till now. I must say 2nd child is easier n faster from labour to del and recovery! here's what happened on 12 Nov 05 9+am admited to TMC for very regular...
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hi meixue and dili mummy, welcome, coz i really pro bf i hope to encourage new mummies to go for BF if possible.
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hi, Managed to scan thru the postings here. I want to KPO abit hehe, You Long Zi add has changed: 393 Guillemard Rd Tel : 6743 5738 About nursing bra, meixue, i was laughing when i saw ur posting abt taking off yr shirt to BF, haaa. Nursing bra serves as support for ur breast and at...
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hi all, sooo long nvr come in liao. so busy with work that i always say i got time to die, no time to get sick haa. though i dun feel well still hv to drag myself to work, no room for MC . how's everyone feeling? we are getting nearer to meeting our bb!! I'v a qn for those who are getting...
  12. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    hi i can share my view on pump n storage (bottle/bags) Pump: i own the Avent ISIS and Medela PIS. cant compare the 2 of them coz 1 is manual n 1 is electric. i can only give my view on both. Avent ISIS is small n easy to bring around, but it has lots of parts to assemble, n this make...
  13. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    hi i can share my view on pump n storage (bottle/bags) Pump: i own the Avent ISIS and Medela PIS. cant compare the 2 of them coz 1 is manual n 1 is electric. i can only give my view on both. Avent ISIS is small n easy to bring around, but it has lots of parts to assemble, n this make...
  14. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hi! long time din come in, have been busy with work. wah the list seems almost complete!! n i must say there'r lots of boys!! i did my detail scan n confirm that my gal will be having a little meimei ... now she keeps touching my tummy n call meimei, very nice feeling. but the scan at...
  15. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hi venus, congrats ! me too think Zoe tay looks great. i read in papers,she gained 15kg during her preg, and lost 13kg thru bf'g n exercising. i think the extra 2kg is on her breasts haha. she's a real eg that bf really helps in losing too lost all the preg weight when i was...
  16. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hi fury, do you know ur bb gender thru ur FA scan? Hi, i took epidural for my 1st birth...till now i do not experience "extra" backache. i think things have been pretty normal. but i do have a friend, the epi was not administered properly for her 2nd no effect..she suffered...
  17. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    hi meixue, i took epidural for my first preg too..i got shivering and nausea during the time when epi was in use. after delivery when they turn off epi, no more shivering liao. this time round i m definitely going to opt for epi again. hi emm, congrats =) on having a boy! abt...
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    hi Congrats meixue for hving a bb girl n celtricia a bb boy! also meixue, glad to hear ur MS is much better now. this is something all m2b who suffer from MS most look fwd to! end of MS!! celtricia i heard that for TMC 4 beded, very high chance of getting upgraded to 2 beded! a few of...
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hi Kelly, Congrats for getting the gender you want ! More and more of nov mums are starting to know the bb gender, so exciting! me still got another 2 weeks to go before i will know mine. hi chin, i usually wait for 2-3hrs to see WK Tan. i agree she is very gentle... during last...
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    hi chin, the last time i attended, there were m2bs there without hb company, instead they got a friend/sister to go with them. i dont find it strange to attend alone. juz that certain exercise/massage u need a partner, well if u are alone, most likely Mrs Wong will make u her partner haha...
