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  1. polkadottie

    (2013/11) November 2013

    fuzzybear > OMG i didnt know there's such thing as PUPPS till i just googled. looks really bad. now i know why my skin doc wants to get my skin condition in control by 2nd n 3rd tri.. yep i oso do have physiogel AI, but only using for face.. min81 > i tried aloe vera gel before, it dries up...
  2. polkadottie

    (2013/11) November 2013

    lynn > oh dear.. really duno tt eczema is so common esp in mummies too. we all gotta jiayou tog~ fb private group sounds good!
  3. polkadottie

    (2013/11) November 2013

    ankh > thanks! I'll go check it out. I'm currently spamming alot of cethaphil moisturiser cream.. min81 > ya same, mine flare up quite about week 5/6 too. its getting v itchy at the tummy area. yep my gynae said esp it's still tri1, better to stop all oral steroids cos it's baby's crucial...
  4. polkadottie

    (2013/11) November 2013

    fuzzybear > ya, thankfully the steroid creams are still safe to use. im oso craving for alot of sweet stuffs! but I heard from my other preggie frens tt I shld control the sugar intake. pfff.. only sweet stuffs make me feel better. haha! too much water makes me nauseous too.
  5. polkadottie

    (2013/11) November 2013

    hi, any mummies here w eczema skin? mine just flared up recently and it's worsened. might be the heat from the weather these days or the hormones change.. dare not eat any mediciations in case may harm the baby.. no ms thus far, but experiencing very bloated and gassy stomach.. also to check...
  6. polkadottie

    (2013/11) November 2013

    hi november mommies im a new mommy and im at my week 8. please add me to the list, thanks! Nickname: polkadottie Child #: 1 EDD: 26 Nov 2013 Doctor: Dr Eunice Chua Hospital: Mount Alvernia Hospital Gender: TBC
