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  1. z_phyr

    (2013/05) May 2013

    Hi mummies! I haven't been here in ages! How's everyone? My girl turned 1 year old on Sunday and bm supply seems to be going down. I'm a FTWM who pumps twice at work, I'm considering to drop pumps and just nurse at home. I've been nursing her at night, she will nurse before bedtime around 8pm...
  2. z_phyr

    (2013/05) May 2013

    Hi all! I didn't shave my girl's head hence dropping hair now. I'm also dropping hair, dropping like mad these few days, they are everywhere. It's normal to drop hair after pregnancy, after all my hair didn't drop much when I was expecting. :)
  3. z_phyr

    (2013/05) May 2013

    Hi Marc J, I'm on maternity leave and will be going back to work end Sept. Took more than 4 mths of leave! I have a part-time cleaner to comes in once a week to relieve me of household chores such as cleaning and ironing but I'm doing the simple day to day stuff like the dishes and laundry. My...
  4. z_phyr

    (2013/05) May 2013

    Hi Marc, my baby had a vac at full mth n just took her 5-in-1, this is the one that causes fever in 5 to 10 percent of children. She took it on Tue and so far ok (thank God). Her temperature rose in the first 24 hrs but not considered fever. Doc gave liquid paracetamol to treat fever. I also...
  5. z_phyr

    (2013/05) May 2013

    Yes seems like we all have similar issues! My girl only sleeps on her back, she doesn't like being on her tummy or side. Maybe I can consider yaolan for her when she's cared by my mum after I go back to work. In the meantime, I continue to try cuddling/ petting and sometimes nursing her to...
  6. z_phyr

    Baby girl born 18 May 2013

    Baby girl born 18 May 2013
  7. z_phyr

    (2013/05) May 2013

    Hi Irene, my 3 mth old baby girl is also having problems napping. She will usually fall asleep for about 20-30 mins and then wake up. If I'm lucky she will sleep for an hr. She usually takes about 3 such short naps between 10.30 to 6pm. I will clean her at 6.30pm, feed her and then try to get...
