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  1. E

    (2013/12) December 2013

    @cherie: I share your sentiment. My first preggy is with KKH. But this place just fails me this time as I finally experience the screw up of the O&G my self! (I never went O&G during my last preggy). @Jos_Jos: What makes you think that your preggy will be complicated? Unless you opt...
  2. E

    (2013/12) December 2013

    Hi all, had been a long time since I came here. Puking for past few weeks and body had finally stabled. I was actually in view of having my bb in KKH and was seeing Prof John Tee (my first babe was delivered by him). Anyway, I was spotting in the early few weeks. The spotting stops after Prof...
  3. E

    (2013/12) December 2013

    I had been puking and puking at night. Food has to be eaten very slowly and am only attracted to liquid food like porridge. Sad... Check up later, hope BB is ok..
  4. E

    (2013/12) December 2013

    Hana, same sentiment here. Dun feel like working at all!
  5. E

    (2013/12) December 2013

    Hihi all, went OB scan.. Got some insight of the 4 cm fibroid. Well, was given homorne pill to boost the bb. Hope its helps. Any one also has fibroid here? Can share your experience? My OB just told me tat there ll risk of ccrian (which i intend to anyway) and miscarriage. Scare the hell out of me.
  6. E

    (2013/12) December 2013

    Thanks bubbub! Tomolo i going OB. Hope to see the bb growing welling. Found faint pink discharge tis morning. Dunno why. This BB is sure different from my first born. My firstborn made me so nausea that i can vomit 13 times a day but for tis bb I am just so tired after meals. Cant even open my...
  7. E

    (2013/12) December 2013

    Had bad tummy cramps yesterday. It felt like passing motion. I was really concern and worried. Anyway, was perfectly ok this morning. Not sure what going on inside. So decided to see my ob early, which is this Sat at KKH. Din know that Sat got extra charges and now they charge see patient at...
  8. E

    (2013/12) December 2013

    Elaine, u got 3 kids alr? How did u manage?
  9. E

    (2013/12) December 2013

    Hi hi, first time visiting motherhood forum. Mother of 1 P2 boy already now expecting 2nd bb after 7 yrs. Will be seeing Dr John Tee from KKH. Still undecided actually.
