Search results

  1. L

    Adjunct Teachers mummies

    Hi, I do not know if you are still looking for info on this.. most schools would usually employ a teacher on flexi first before offering a yearly contract to the teacher. This is for the school to assess the teacher's ability and fit for the school. I had a colleague who was employed...
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    EBM to give away

    Hi, any ebm to donate pls whatsapp me @ 96631841. willing to exchange for milk storage bags, wet wipes or other baby necessities.. many thanks, jolene
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    Any good Babysitter at Senja or Bukit Panjang area

    Hi, looking for nanny to come to my place in the morning to help take care of toddler and baby (born in July 2013). I already have a helper at home. Nanny is to help my maid take care of the kids and cook lunch for my toddler. toddler needs to get ready for sch and I will come home at 1.30pm to...
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    URGENT: GUI LAN Auntie! Confinement Lady

    Hi Wendy, May I know in the end did u hire aunty Gui Lan?
  5. L

    Experienced Confinement Lady: Aunt Lee Pheng ## (Available in mid Feb 2013!!!) ##

    I think you have to act fast, all CLs that are recommended on forums are mostly taken up..
  6. L

    Experienced Confinement Lady: Aunt Lee Pheng ## (Available in mid Feb 2013!!!) ##

    Hi Rachel, You can contact Li Pheng, she just called me yesterday and said she is free in Aug..
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    Confinement nanny- please share

    Hi ordolla, You found a confinement nanny? I am also due July 2013, haven't found one..
