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  1. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    Heh! I know to stay away from the marine parade branch where PY's poor charlotte has been bitten FOUR times by the same kid!
  2. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    babymax, as a pregger @ 27 weeks currently, i'd have to say i had the same debate with my hubby like the one you had. basically we feel that we are quite jialat and incapable so how to handle yet another one when with just this one precious gal we're already fretting over her every move. but...
  3. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    xoxo, i've only come across this imaginery friend thing from watching american sitcoms. don't think its common during our time. i asked my mum if i had one when i was young and my mum was like "what the hell are you talking about?" hahaha... maybe kids these days are just so much more...
  4. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    xoxo, i have read in the past that its common for kids to have "imaginery friends". but i have no clue how or when it comes about, or if i ever had that phase before. so not sure what to advise but i can understand why you're a bit freaked out. sounds a bit er... weird hor? astro, hehe...
  5. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    hey mummies, have been reading the forum but haven't really had time to sit down to post anything. re: what the bubs can say @ this stage well, while i confess that i am totally amazed by Megan's speech development and Dre's many other feats, subconsciously i do compare Min with them...
  6. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    xoxo, you miss the 3-hourly nightmares? come and feed my #2 when she arrives! hahahaha... i can surely use your milk (no i mean your help!) bwahahaa... angie, wow NZ huh? hope you're not in earthquake zone...
  7. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    Gal, Oh forgot sometimes she wakes up middle of night and asks for milk and we give 90-120ml.
  8. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    Dj, Um... Half day also will fall sick. Min goes for only like couple hrs a day and has been ill on n off for the last 3-4 weeks. Sorry to bust your bubble but once they start school chances are they prolly will fall sick quite a bit. Gal, 8oz quite a lot hor. Did u say Elias doesnt eat...
  9. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    funzee, i think you're going to go through what i just went through with the help not returning. for sure, the tot will go through a lot of major changes in her life. for us, we were just too thankful that she did not once ask for my maid. perhaps she is too young still. but i did notice...
  10. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    Hey everyone! Finally some signs of life here Min is into her 4th week in playgroup at Learning Vision. First couple of weeks was not good. She cried quite badly when my mum dropped her off. Good thing tho that she took to 2 of the teachers there and either one of them always carry and...
  11. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    It was a very briefing phase that passed. She bit my maid, mum n me. doesnt do it to others.
  12. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    ILMM, Sometimes they bite to get your attention or solicit a certain response from you. When Min used to do it, after that she observe our reaction. Eventually when she saw no reaction then she boring already. Moved on to acting cute to make us laugh. Perhaps u can try ignoring M and see...
  13. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    Astro, I wld go australia or hk if i were u
  14. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    76, For the maid the easiest is $$$. Depends on whether she knows the new contracts are starting at $480 (am not sure if this is cast in stone or just rumoured). If so u may have to match that or u prolly hve to fork out this much for the new one anyway. To me, if the help is good and is...
  15. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    Astro, Ya my auntie, her side of the family, total 8 boys. No girls. She has 3, her sister has 4 then her bro has 1. Everytime they see Min, they salivate. Hehe...
  16. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    *gasp* 4 boys!!! Congrats jamie!!! Its great news 四大金刚 *whistles*
  17. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    Glass, WAH!!! You can think abt uni somemore?! I think nlimm can tell u childcare she already peng san! Just saw her FB on the queue to register for N1. Hehe... One day i would like to examine your brain. You think abt the most interesting things!
  18. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    nanyang kindergarten. hahaha... seriously, are they for real??? i won't go and queue that's for sure. won't even queue for good food let alone this kind of sikit atas brand names. :P no offense to anyone here that's intending to slug it out in the queue... hehe... i mean, like i said, i'm...
  19. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    tien, hahaha... now you know what i mean right? too bad LV doesn't franchise. neither does Eton. these are the only 2 i like. i dont wanna franchise cherie hearts only cos the CBP one i went to like sai like that. seriously. i think my maid better than their fat, lazy looking teachers. :P...
  20. F

    (2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

    76, totally agree with you about 1 class. at least for Min, that's all she's getting. she was on My Gym for like the last few months to start with. i just felt that at this age, grooming her motor skills comes before everything else. then the programme got a bit repetitive and since she...
