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  1. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Sunbelle, i only took time-off for scan and 1 day MC for ET for FET. So it's possible not to tell ur colleagues. Congrats, dandelion.
  2. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Oops, after posting then realize there are so many posts unread... Haha... Didn't refresh the page..
  3. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Wow, muff, u have so many frozen embryos! So envious! Surely u have enuf to last u for a lifetime liao... :-) Dreambear, FET stands for frozen embryo transfer. :-)
  4. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Dream, was planning to do FET in April or May, before my blood test results expire. Hope my body will be ready then. Not sure if it's going to be natural or medicated yet. Guess might be medicated cos i suspect i don't ovulate every month (cos OPK cant detect in some months) although my menses...
  5. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Chris & lin: thanks! Ya, i'm thinking if i should go to Dr TSB... Was with dr tan lee kee in JE for almost a year then stopped going three months before starting ivf... Dream: are you taking any medicine from dr zou now to regulate your hormone? Do u need to boil the herbs? I oso don't...
  6. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi dream, if i remb correctly, u started ur ivf two weeks after i started. After the failed fresh cycle, my hormone has gone haywire too. First the menses lasted for 9 days, then i started spotting (red colour blood) on day 16 for five days and on day 32 (which is when my menses usually...
  7. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    It's so hard to come back to work after a long CNY leave. Went overseas so wasn't easy to get online. Thanks Jackzel, yvejen and lin for responding to my query on spotting on CD16 (the cycle after failed fresh ivf cycle). I think my case is the same as lin. The spotting lasted for four days...
  8. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi all! Happy CNY! Haven't posted anything for a while. Would like to ask if anyone has same experience.. I just failed one fresh cycle of ivf. For my failed cycle, my menses arrived on day 14 post ET despite having a progesterone jab in the same morning. And my menses lasted longer than...
  9. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Leor, love your positive attitude! Jia you! Praying for you!
  10. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks yvejen for sharing! Rest well and recover soon. Agree that dr loh's not supportive of lap. Maybe i shld try FET first.
  11. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks Sara! I don't have any cyst, just adeno. Sigh. I'm not sure if i can ovulate well by myself. I used to use ovulation test strip when trying naturally but some months I can't detect LH surge. Maybe I'll find out more abt from dr loh.
  12. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Sara, dr loh didn't suggest lap for me. I was too anxious so I asked him. He said lap can increase chance of natural conception but didn't mention it will increase chance of ivf ( i didn't ask oso). Adeno cannot be cured but can be improved by lap. But if I get preg then adeno will also improve...
  13. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi dreambear, have PM-ed you.
  14. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    dreambear, thanks for answering my questions! which doctor are you under? were you working? how many days of MC are you given? got claim insurance?
  15. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Ximi, Thanks for sharing your story! I feel encouraged!
  16. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks, BrChow! Dreambear, I'll go back for review with dr next month on day5/6 of my menses. Then we'll discuss the possibility of having a lap done. But I'm so scared of lap... How did it go for you? Why did dr propose lap for you? Does it increase chance of ivf? Sorry for so many questions.
  17. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    It's nice to read so many encouraging words here. Think we are all going to be mothers soon. My first failed ivf cycle shattered my confidence more than I thought it would be. Now I'm trying to recover emotionally from the disappointment but every morning when I wake up I still feel a sense...
  18. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks, eskimobaby! So glad that I learnt so much here! So for FET, they thaw 3 and choose the best two. Then what happen to the last one? Do they freeze again? In that case, do we have to pay another year of storage fee?
  19. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Wow, it's quite a difference. 385 v.s. 900.
  20. fish_yaya

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    I already paid 900 for freezing. I'm with TFC. Dream and blizzbless, did u pay 900 for freezing?
