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  1. P

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    Hi joynpeace, thanks for sharing. I am more settled now. :p
  2. P

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    Hi all I am new to this thread. Hope I can post my doubt here. I am going for IVF procedure in Jan2014, now currently working part time and on TCM treatment. I am in dilemma, I duno whether I should go for a reputable gynae. Is reputable gynae very important for success rate? I need to...
  3. P

    Dilenma, to continue TCM treatment or not...

    My body has not been taken care properly in the past due to overwork. Thus, to conceive, I need to build up my body. I am seeing a TCM at 152 Serangoon North(recommended by a friend), besides the prescription, also needs to take the supplement. I admit I am feeling less tired after two...
