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  1. H

    (2013/10) October 2013

    skysim think too early can't see anything. Some gynae just want to earn money i suggest go in week 7 or 8 but of course can call to book appointment lah not kiasu lah just in case popular gyane appoint time booked up mah
  2. H

    (2013/10) October 2013

    welcome all new comers! I am feeling so paranoid..yesterday not much symptoms at all but then now i am having a little reflux. symptoms symptoms headache..well actually very much relieved to have symptoms lol reikohopes can drink yogurt drink, oat drink and 3 in 1...
  3. H

    (2013/10) October 2013

    thanks babychloe will do so kayliz me too mc last year as well..and my cycle is normally very long and then for my mc last year also my symptoms suddenly disappeared so i am really paranoid this time as well..even my hubby asked if im seeing any red mostly every time i go to the toilet when...
  4. H

    (2013/10) October 2013

    actually the other day i tested positive..but it's just a very very faint positive..but with all preggy symptoms though. Then yesterday i tested again it's a negative so im very confused it a positive or negative? But based on my edd im only in my 4th week is it too early to...
  5. H

    (2013/10) October 2013

    same! hahah yesterday i made chicken curry and finished with big helpings and not much reflux that i am kinda worried now! I am a SAH-TTC..been married for more than 5 years! stella hope everything will be well for you! Stay zen!
  6. H

    (2013/10) October 2013

    Hi everyone..joining you with my 1st..seems like lots of 2nd timers here..hoping to get tips and learn from you gals here Babychloe me too wake up 3+ or 4am+ every night for the whole 1 week now.. and it seems like i am always having reflux all thru the day and especially bad...
