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  1. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    There are so many rules, sometimes not sure what to listen to and what not to!
  2. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Kome, I gain almost 10kg at week 34... think should be ok, somehow I seem to be eating the same amount but I can gain around 0.5 kg per week. Each time I go for my gynae checkup, my weight will increase abt 1 to 2kg. If this goes on, think I will put on around 12kg by the time we see our prize!
  3. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Morning mummies. How does Braxton Hicks feel like? Am at 33 weeks, I feel this subtle pain at my lower abdomen and vagina area this morning, it is making me uncomfortable, sigh. Just when I thought I feel not bad this morning.
  4. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    I just went for my checkup on Tues... despite having a smooth pregnancy so far, I registered a higher than normal sugar level this time round!! In the lasp lap.. I have to fast and go for the test tomorrow. Sigh... just when I was thanking my lucky stars....
  5. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Chevelle, are u using pantyliners? It is normal for us to have more than usual discharge..
  6. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    we are 2 mths away from delivery..... as a first time mum, I think I am starting to panick. oops
  7. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    I over buy already ahaha... I have 8 sets of newborn clothes.. Thank God I have the sense to buy the rest in bigger sizes upon advices of all my friends
  8. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    babyelly, welcome welcome! Mine hovers around 18 and 17 Jun.... who knows, may end up giving birth on the same day. hapieger, there are good and bad days for the leaks. On bad days, I have to change twice or thrice during work hours. Got to buy those that are for long hours, probably will...
  9. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Yeah, leaking too... sigh... I have pains in my lower abdomen sometimes, but it is just for a while, a sharp jab and that's it... if it gets unbearable I think you should tell the gynae about it leh.
  10. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Mummies, for those who are having 2nd child, how long did u all wait before u travelled overseas when u just had ur first child? My anniversary is coming up in Sep and the husband seems quite keen to travel overseas, but without baby. By then the baby is 3 mths old, not sure if I will even...
  11. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    mabelths, I think he thought he was being sensitive already because he was smiling and saying it.... really *roll eyes*... hapieger, I felt like the PSI level is really high today because I had a bit of difficulty breathing but NEA website says otherwise.
  12. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Morning mummies! Yesterday night, my dear husband commented that I put on 'a little' bit of weight. This morning, commented that I snored last night. *fumes* Last lap of our pregnancy and he makes me feel like a whale...
  13. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Kome, me too. I prefer sleeping on my back than my side. But I heard that it is better to sleep on my left so I force myself to. But the truth is, I will always wake up in the middle of the night lying on my back again. Do you use a body pillow? I sleep better with that
  14. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Hi Chewie, I put in my wishlist for Carter's too. Fyi =)
  15. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Lilac, I was having a slight headache this morning and I wanted to sleep in. But the baby just kicks and kicks and I had to wake up. I haven't had anyone giving their seats for me on the MRT. For buses, I try to take less crowded ones then it will be easier to get a seat. There was once an...
  16. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    I can't see my underbelly!! Think must go home and use the mirror to observe. My left knee hurts nowadays =( must be trying too hard to support the new weight =(
  17. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Mine is 7 sessions, each session 1.5 hours and she charges me $500.
  18. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    birdbird, my pressure dipped as well for consecutively 3 checkups. Only the recent one then it went 60/100 but gynae never raised any concerns b4. Should not be a problem. There was a period of time I will suddenly feel dizzy, the gynae told me to be careful when I change position,from...
  19. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Hapieger: All of us are going through that now. Seeing the weighing scale go beyond 60kg doubles the depression. I can only tell myself that when I resume all the chores after childbirth, I will slim down again..
  20. Q

    (2013/06) June 2013

    For mummies with more than one darling... normally how much weight will we put on in the last trimester?
