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  1. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    opps i'm back! hey ling, u said u popped? ur second one?? congrats!! how are u coping!
  2. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    i feel amazed as i read about the progress of all our sons and daughters... they are learning so much and so fast! i feel blessed that i have this chance to witness Let us be reminded to enjoy their growing up process(despite the inevitable tantrums!!)
  3. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    lysm, ur recipe sounds reaally good and simple, i think the meat can be marinated for a more tasty version! ok rooster, i dun look forward to him talking anymore hehe. how's yr son's appetite today?
  4. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    yes rooster, just cut into small pieces and throw in with the porridge. it softens very fast. my son is very slow in his speech development. but he's blabbering A LOT. only manages a few single words, like Bird, cat, dog.. anyway, i'm not too worried about him not talking properly yet. :D
  5. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    it's maddening for us mothers and it makes it worse that we sometimes don't cook well! these days, i give my son bread with butter/jam for lunch instead. and top up with fruits. but sometimes, he still won't eat. then i'll get really mad and make him stand one corner and throw away all his...
  6. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    hi rooster, how abt blending his food into puree and see if he likes it that way?
  7. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    congrats winnie! enjoy pregnancy all over again! well, i'm not planning for a second one. just want to enjoy the boy now..
  8. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    hi pangpang.. yeah but venting frustrations doesn't solve my problem.. i borrowed some books on immunity food for children from the library. try doing a search on Naturopathy in this forum. u'll find some info.
  9. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    thanks for the encouraging words pangpang... my son is much better now that he's taking a stronger dose of antibiotics. sighz, i want to work really hard on building up his immunity. lysm i am so sorry to hear about ur poor boy. yes my son falls sick almost every 3 weeks too and i'm...
  10. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    yah i've been very moody.. son is sick for the 3rd time!! where the hell is his immune system? i really dunno wat i do wrong, man.
  11. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    hi pangpang, oh mine was 4something am at KKH. yeah i am a SAHM. OH pls dun peifu me, cos i basically just laze ard all day at home. I had wanted to go back to work, but i couldn't bear to leave my son in someone else's care. I'll definitely start working again when he's 4years old. I thought...
  12. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    pangpang, our sons have exactly the same bday! what time was yours born?
  13. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    i am using the normal kids gel toothpaste bought from the supermarket. my son loves swallowing it. i guess a bit is okay lah. been MIA, cos i've been worried sick over my son who fell sick twice in May. sian. I've been coughing a lot too. A group birthday party would be really great fun...
  14. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    double post
  15. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    oh i dun have a cane, but i got a plastic ruler! and i do hit him, very hard. he poured milk all over the house this morning when i didn't notice. it got me so mad!! But after hitting, i always regret,so i try not to hit him too much, unless i really think he deserve a beating. My son...
  16. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    lucky Zoey she's so cute with the ponytail. Sometimes i wish i have a girl to mess with her hair haha... winnie, how is it like bringing a toddler to taiwan? is it toddler friendly?
  17. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    hi rooster, now i wonder why i asked u such a stupid question abt pork. the pork in NTUC and cold storage comes from australia wat! silly me! right now i'm getting desperate abt weaning my son off the pacifier. Any mummies let your toddlers use the pacifier? any plans to wean them off soon?
  18. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    Rooster, awww.. big hugs to you... cheer up ok.. there's nothing much we can do here except to give u our <u>moral support</u>. as for the fish problems, just stick to salmon and cod for time being? is it difficult to get pork in australia? i think silverfish is rich in calcium and very similar...
  19. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    hi ling and coffeedrinker i dun save or download them, just visit the website everytime. but i'm worried abt exposing my son to too much tv and computer. i dun think it's very good for the eyes. but then how?! coffeedrinker, u really like coffee isit? me too! hahaha... wat brand of coffee...
  20. Q

    (2005/09) Sept 2005 Babies

    ling, erm wat products? i'm only interested in their <u>FREE</u> A-B-C learning sites ..kekeke i dun have a maid, dun trust them :p
