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  1. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Macam: wow, your mom's doc didn't pester her to terminate? Willing to let her wait for 6 mths for a heartbeat?
  2. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi everyone, thanks for your well wishes. I feel really touched. I am going to see another doctor later, cos I really don't want to go for d&c unless I start to see bad signs like bleeding. My gynae told me dont delay d&c for too long or else there will be infection. But the guilt of...
  3. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Chelz: thank you, may I know who is your gynae? I like that he/she doesnt give up without a fight. So sad I cried again when I read about your bb boy.
  4. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Ica: I used online edd calculator based on LMP. Mine is 22 July, so I'm supposed to be 8 weeks now. My gynae also never say how many weeks I really am. I also forgot to ask - blur I'm first-time preggy. She did mention it's about 4mm in size.
  5. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Chelz: sorry to hear about that.. What is a detailed scan? I had ultrasound via tummy and no heartbeat was detected. Haiz.. I cried so hard when I heard from my doctor, as this is my #1 pregnancy. Children are really blessings from God. Well, so glad you are expecting now - it also give me...
  6. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi mummies, I went for my 8 weeks appt. the doc did not detect heartbeat and told me its bad news, going to schedule d&c next week. I'm praying for a miracle. I don't want to just give up hope on my baby like that.. Any mums out there who didn't detect heartbeat till later than 8...
  7. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Ocean_blue and Angela: Thanks for the welcome. Ya I better stop being a worrywart. ggchua: Sorry to hear about your quarrel. What about your MIL, will she be able to help talk some sense to your hb?
  8. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi mommies! I'm preggie with #1, 5wks I think, will be going to my gynae to confirm next week. I was excited when first learned about my pregnancy, but now starting to have a bit of doubt whether it's really the right choice. Is it normal to feel some doubt? I feel like a bad mommy...
