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    Dr Vincent Lee from Mt E & Bishan

    oh mum haf her 4th pregnancy outside her womb..n all other doctors asked her 2 abort..until she met Dr Lee who encouraged her 2 gif birth 2 my 4th sis... n not 4getting my mum had my youngest bro even tho she had a surgery n left wif onli 1 side of ovary heehee
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    Dr Vincent Lee from Mt E & Bishan

    hihi MTBs! hee altho i'm not a mummy yet or TTC..i juz cant help but pop in upon seeing Dr Vincent Lee's thread he's actually my mum n my younger sis gynae..n u noe wad? i haf 5 other siblings n the 3 younger 1s r all delivered by Dr Lee hee He oso delivered my sis's baby boy which turn...
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    Young Mummy

    if u urself not ready, u shld abort the baby 4 both u n ur bf's own gd u shld noe by now its a huge responsibility 2 haf a baby so do tink over it carefully it would b gd if u can speak 2 ur family abt tis..n juz learn ur take precaution measures
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    hello ladies i duno if its weird 4 mi (some 1 whose not tinking of being a mummy yet) 2 b in tis thread i juz feel very touched by so many of u whose supporting n encouraging each other so sweet heehee really wish every1 the best 2 become a mummy soon!
