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  1. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    mocca mama, dun worry.. at times.. BB shy, so abit hard to see. next scan.. talk to ur BB, tell BB , be gd.. mama going to see u.. let's see each other in the scan..
  2. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    @kimmy, then wat did the gynae advice you??
  3. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    hi all mummies.. let's all JIA YOU together to fight the MS ya.. Try to keep some biscuits or fruits like apples at ur work desk or bag... if our stomach is empty, the nausea kicks in. if our stomach is bloated, the nausea kicks in too.. @mytulips, wish u good luck ya.. Be positive and dun...
  4. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    morning to all mummies.. @ Kimmy, sorry to hear about it.. but still there's hope for a miracle to happen. My next appt is also another 3 wks time. y not you seek for ocean blue's recommendation? Try your best to rest well also.. and dun worry too much.. @ggchua.. WoW u are at ur 6 wks...
  5. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    yup yup.. angela u r right.. coke got caffeine.. actually at times really damn sian.. dunno wat to drink.. but no choice for the sake of our BB, we must endure.. oh ya angela, later u go facial tell the beautican to be gentle on u.. and dun use only lights on ur face.. as in those got machine...
  6. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    shirelle, how many wks u are at? if u take coke and 100+ try to drink moderately.. how about ribena or cranberry juice?? mocca mama, my gynae is from TMC.. so most likely i will deliver in TMC..
  7. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    ggchua : ya we can eat cod fish bah.. and cod fish is ex, many many nutrients in it.. we can't take shark fins, tuna, salmon.. those deep blue sea fishes... i think cod fish nt deep blue sea fishes bah..
  8. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    ggchua : wow, a mother somemore!! !@#%^ oops.. at times we really dunno wat is in the employer's mind.. Mocca : I also have not tell my boss abt it.. He's a father of 2 though.. Yesterday went to the gynae chkup, got an mc. today i pass to him, to sign on my MC.. cos initally I applied...
  9. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    ggchua, your fren employer is a man or woman?? how can he / she do that??? really if it happens on herself, if she is a female and got pregnant, then she will understand..
  10. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Maxlene, so serious?? oh dear... that time they say it's more serious in Tokoyo.. initally still thinking hokkiado is further, so shld be ok.. but then my Hubby dun feel safe, and I dun wanna take the risk.. And we decided to cancel it.. and take 3 days leave, book a hotel at RWS instead to relax..
  11. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    angela, yaya.. will go for honeymoon trip after i pop.. but hopefully by then i will be able to bear myself apart from my BB a wk or so.. haa..
  12. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Dear mummies.. Wow.. I did not come in yesterday to see see look look and i got a hard time chasing what you all chat about.. hahhaa.. Yesterday when for my 1st gynae appt.. all is well can see BB heartbeat le.. now 6 wks plus going 7 wks.. MILs.. can be a tough nut to tackle ya.. Now im...
  13. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    pinky.. sorry to hear to hear this. Be strong ya.. and pu back ur health.. so that you can try again!!
  14. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    @kimmy, just rest as much as you can ya.. HUGs.. things will go fine!! @tay, i dunno the exact amount.. but one cup a week should be ok la.. i guess we got the urge to drink it, when we are feeling nausea..
  15. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    hihi tayfamily, same here! that day i drank a cup of hot honey lemon, I felt so much better and nt so bloated.. But ya cos honey is sweet.. so better nt take so much..
  16. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi morning to all MTBs.. Im feeling nausea every morning when I woke up to go work.. Only the min I get to drink hot drinks and eat something.. I feel so much better.. Do you all feel bloated after ur meals? I feel bloated normally after my dinner.. @kimmyksc, the problem with KKH is...
  17. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    hUGS.. trinity mummie.. although we knw it's easier said than done.. but we can understand how u feels.. eat healthy and exercise more.. ur next one will be a healthy BB.. HUGs.. Kimmyksc, i see.. maybe ur ovulation period is varies? ya it could be too early.. dun worry k..
  18. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    kimmyksc.. dun worry too much ok.. how many wks preggie are u?
  19. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    hi sam.. yup dun do foot massage.. especially foot reflexlogy.. as i normally do foot reflex.. the lady who do for me, told me, if im pregnant.. must tell her. she will nt do for me..
  20. P

    (2013/04) April 2013

    hello mareikebb, welcome!! Trinity Mummie & Kimyksc, hope that the little one is doing well inside.. Pray that everything goes well.. Good morning all MTBs.. Good Day ahead!!
