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  1. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    I bought mine when I was around 20+ weeks last time... Dun send out the warranty card of all the steriliser or pumps yet. Wait till BB is born, then attach the BC together with the warranty card then send out. Cos that will prove that u never use until BB is born. I remember that's what I did...
  2. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    For those mummies who wanna breastfeed, best is to get twin pumps. Dun ever get one pump just to save $$ cos while pumping, the other side will be dripping...Alot of my friends did that, in the end, they buay tahan also have to buy another pump. Not only u are wasting milk, it's also very messy...
  3. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    Pommes: EDD now is 22 Dec
  4. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    Just saw my "peanut" today...But gender still cannot be determined as it "kiap-ing" its umbilical cord in between.. *FAINTZ** ANyway good news is I need not go for jabs anymore..bad news is I only get to see my gynae once every 3 weeks instead of weekly now.. By the way, my EDD moved a...
  5. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    Haiz...I got brownish discharge again yesterday after it stopped for 3 days...Now gynae ask me to go see him again today..Wish me luck!
  6. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    Sasayeo, Ya lor, me kenah jab today cos got brownish discharge. Scare the wits out of me when I go to the toilet. Called hubby and he rushed back home from work and send me to my gynae. Lucky everything is ok with my peanut..By the way, I meeting ur sis for lunch tomorrow... Hehe
  7. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    Sasayeo: Glad that everything is ok! I also got a jab but at the side of my thigh..Now also very pain! My gynae say my bb very notti cos hide in one corner....Hahha
  8. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    Hi ladies, Supposed to see my gynae tomorrow but suddenly got discharge this afternoon. So rushed down to see gynae today instead. Lucky my "peanut" is ok...So happy to see and hear it's heartbeat, and first time seeing it move! Given injection and took blood, now have to wait for...
  9. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    <font color="0000ff">sasayeo</font>, U feeling better? Seen doctor already?
  10. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    Sasayeo: Ya, better go have a check..If your gynae is not open today, maybe u can try KKH 24 hrs Women's clinic...Better go to have a ease of mind...
  11. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    For my #1, I also die Die dun want epi, in the end after 9hrs, still cannot dilate, so take epi and go for Emergercy C-sect..So this time I think I will take cos they say, once u take, ur muscles relaxes, so easier to dilate..
  12. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    Bloom: Ya, My #1 quite mature and sensible for his age. So very blessed to have him, that sometimes I am worried whether I am able to share my love equally for this #2. Cos both hubby and I are very close to #1. I also having bad MS for this week. (I am 8 weeks plus). Mine normally start...
  13. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    sasayeo: Haha! Now still early to say "dun want anymore!" I used to say that all the time until my #1 starts to ask for a sibling..Once he was telling me he will be all alone in this world when we died...I tell u, tears welled up after I heard that. That's why I am going for #2 .All...
  14. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    My #1 also makes me vomit like nobody business, everyone guess it's a girl but in the end its a boy! LOL... So I dun believe in all these gender guessing liao... This one also makes me vomit..And I feel full after abit of food..MS is bad especially in the late afternoon onwards...And...
  15. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    But I think it is still early until u have the exact date and time of the child birthdate... Dun think too much into these..Everything is destined..
  16. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    Selvi: 3.4 is the weight of the bones... This is a Chinese astrology belief... We believe the heavier the bones is, the child is blessed.
  17. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    Pommes and lil Olive, Mine also at the same place! Mine is on 14 June
  18. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    <font color="0000ff">jaj</font> I wean my son from night feed after he turn 2.5 years old. It all started from a dental visit. The dentist told him cannot drink milk in the middle of the night and also must drink from cup, else it will cause his teeth to drop.. After that, he "guai guai"...
  19. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    O ya, one main worry of latching which I heard from most of my friends are some babies has difficulties in weaning off when the mother has to return to work after maternity leave.. My niece in fact " goes on a strike" after my sis in law goes back to work.. Took quite sometime for her to take...
  20. D

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    <font color="0000ff">chubbyfingers</font> Personally, I didn't see much difference la... Cos my #1 fully depend on expressed BM. In terms of bonding, my son is very attached to me even though he never latch. In terms of quantity of milk flow, my milk flow is more than enough for his...
