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    (2017/04/26) BP5!ORIGINAL Mummycents spacesaverbags storage solution!Unclutter!

    Hi Mummycents, Have just done the transfer of $29.63 and have PM-ed u..pls confirm receipt yeah? Many thanks!!!
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    (2017/04/26) BP5!ORIGINAL Mummycents spacesaverbags storage solution!Unclutter!

    Sorry I changed my mind... How abt 4S & 2M for the moment? No discounts for repeated customers ar?
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    (2017/04/26) BP5!ORIGINAL Mummycents spacesaverbags storage solution!Unclutter!

    Hello Mummycents, I'm a repeat customer and I purchased from you many years back! I must say your vacumn bags are realy durable and for most bags, I can even reuse them up to 2 times! Hence, I'm back after so many years asking for more! I'm looking at 4S, 4M....any bundle deals? Sorry I...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Wah i tink mommies are flooding our FB group liao seems so quiet again...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    ggchua, How to boil red date tea? At home, my maid will boil red dates with wolfberries once a week.. Is it suitable for us?
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    ggchua, Allswell sour plum is nice too! Haha..
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Oricule, The sparkling water good? I was abit scared of drinking gassy drinks scared it makes me even more nausea...I have been surviving on Pocari Sweat.. Apple, I have been craving for and eating super fattening, spicy and unhealthy food..guess my baby really likes junk food like his/her...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    It's going 4pm and I am hungry... Had a McDouble and Corn cup for lunch le, so fast hungry already zzzz How, feel like eating maggie mee again..
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    ggchua, I have already started wearing maternity clothes since my old clothes can't fit anymore. Now its probably a good time for us to get better-fitting bras and panties...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Ok, now that our official FB Group is created..I duno where to chat with you girls le. Is it here or fb? Hehe...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hihi Lee, My fb nick is Rachel Lim, SMH nick is Rachel Tay (husband's family name). Are you Cloudy Windy? Hehe...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hihi Lee, Have PM-ed you.
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    oricule, Me! and in fact some of us do feel cold easily nowadays...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    piyo, Wah nice 4D shots! So tempting.... Hehe...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Thks Piyo.. Could we start to make appointment after our first trimester? Hehe... Yvaine, Envy envy.. I'm sure your 2 gals love each other very much. I regret not having #2 earlier, was too scared of the extra commitments and also was chiong-ing for our career. Now that our son is turning...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    piyo, If it's less than $100 then I wanna consider le... yvaine, How big is the age gap between ur 2 girls? Was there any sibling rivarly/ jealousy back then?
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Yvaine, Yes I agree! Our kiddos are growing up and learning to be independant, so sooner or later they would not be wanting us that much. Kinda sad but relieved at the same time. Hubby sometimes tells me very sarcastically, that yes I must cherish the time when our son is young, cos when he is...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    shirelle, Can share how did u manage to train ur daughter to slp in her own room?
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    piyo, Haha that happens almost every night to us! Worse, we always kena kick in the face! Imagine the shock (& pain) when we are sound asleep..Everytime we shift him to his cot (also next to our bed), he will wake up and slp with us middle of the night. Zzz...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Mummypooh, Haha dont wry since it's a false alarm. Yvaine, Haha, we are trying to 'kick' our boy to sleep in his room. Trying to decorate his room without nailing the walls to make it attractive to the boy lor, else his daddy cham lor.. :P piyo, Lucky u! My son started to slp with us...
