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  1. T

    Support group for wives with unfaithful husbands

    Too many cases happening. So dis-heartening. I went thru this roller coaster ride for 2 years!!!!! In this 2 years, he said he wanted the family for 1000 times. He never kept his words. For the very first time, he said he is ready to want the PRC and she wants him too! I hope he dun...
  2. T

    Help!!!! my husband invloved with a china women.

    Hurt Deeply, go see a marriage counselor - seek help to find ways to resolve this. no one else can give you advise to divorce or not. only yourself. Care Corner (TPY) has this support group for wives like us to share and support. Give them a call for more info. take care.
  3. T

    Sue the 3rd party for causing damage/harm to my family

    Call a lawyer to check it out. Interesting question.
  4. T

    Help!!!! my husband invloved with a china women.

    Heartbrokenmummy, Dun be despair, you have done nothing to deserve this treatment from ur husband. When that PRC has sucked him dry, he will crawl back to you. It is a matter of time. Men just love new fanciful things. PRC ladies know how to please. We, Singaporean mummies are just too busy...
