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  1. T

    March 2018 Mummies

    Am 8 weeks plus now, anyone experiencing aching or rather cramps? It on and off.....Gosh, making me paranoid. Whenever I sleep flat at night, I will feel it..... gotta sleep side ways.....
  2. T

    March 2018 Mummies

    Gosh, am experiencing that now..... it felt so awful. I had to keep munching small bites to keep the feeling away. If I don't eat, it will be worst, I might throw up gastric juice if it's empty...... Can't wait for first tri to be over.......
  3. T

    March 2018 Mummies

  4. T

    Hi, I have Low egg reserve too. Would like to join the group chat for motivation. Thanks! 81184669

    Hi, I have Low egg reserve too. Would like to join the group chat for motivation. Thanks! 81184669
  5. T

    (2013/01) Jan 2013

    Hi, I would like to join your Facebook if any. My bb was born on 3rd jan. All along I have been following dec 2012 but my bb decided to pop out in Jan. I would love to join any playgroup and know more mummies from this group! Cheers!
  6. T

    Looking for part time/ full time hawker assistant

    Looking for the above mentioned at Amoy Street Hakwer Centre. Required to cook and sell. Anyone looking for a job, pls call 81184669. Pls do not reply thru this thread.
  7. T

    (2012/12) Dec 2012

    Hi, can you add me as well? I'm new to forum EDD 29th Dec 2012 TMC Email: [email protected]
