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  1. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Gladys My clinic says 20-25% each FET transfer (which is about the same for natural conception each mth). The more you put in the higher the percentage though, so 3 can give you a chance of up to 33%...
  2. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi everyone Sorry, I haven't been able to log on from home but have been following everything until I came into work to reply... Firstly Jade- my dear, I am soo soo sorry and I think your message has been echoing how I've been feeling over the last few days... Just wondering whether it's...
  3. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts... 2ww still going, and only day 6 past transfer today, but thankfully I've been fairly busy in Taipei so it has helped to pass the time! My mind is still on my two little embies though and hoping that they are implanting this time. I think tuesday...
  4. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Alone and Shazzer Well done on your huge number of eggs and best of luck for your ET!! Hopes All the very best of luck for your ET today! Hope this is the one for you! Jade Hope you're feeling better today- take it easy OK! For me, Saturday went fairly smoothly- thawed 3...
  5. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Oh Jade... It's so early- D7PET don't worry too much about this. I know it's hard through- you just have to put those 2 remaining HPT aside and not be tempted, but I also know what you mean about preparing yourself- my mind waivers from feeling positive and hopeful to v. negative... Stay...
  6. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Yuli After day 10 scan I had day 12 scan, then urine tests at home to detect LH surge around day 14, but this time it was so difficult to detect so did a couple of blood tests to detect, then after that Pregnyl shot. I think I'm lucky girls 'cause I just have to do crinone vaginal...
  7. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Alone and Shazzer All the very best of luck for your ER today! Looking forward to hearing the good news!
  8. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Tigg3r CONGRATS!!!! That's fabulous news! You were so worried but now it's all been worth it! Well done. I'm so happy for you and Stardiva! It gives the rest of us hope! Jade, Hopes hopefully we will get some good news soon too as an early Christmas present! Jade- the two week...
  9. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Alone Well done on all your eggs! That has to give you a great chance having so many, and they are all a good size! Best of luck tomorrow, I know it's hard, but try to relax and not worry too much- it's ever very quickly and afterwards you will be a little sore, but then once you've...
  10. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Mmmm I drove myelf home after the last ET and while I rested for the weekend, I was back at work on Monday... this time I get on a flight to Taiwan on Monday... just not a possibility for me to take the time off... I think as long as you take it easy and relax... my friend had one day...
  11. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Jade Thanks! Yes, will be good to get to Saturday- I'm just praying that my embies thaw OK... will probably do 3 if I can. Last time we thawed 3 but only 2 were ok to transfer.... Unfortunately I have to work next week- have to spend the week in Taiwan... so will rest and take it easy...
  12. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Jade Yes, I've just read that day 5 of development is Blastocyst, Day 6 Hatching, and implantation from day 6 onwards... so if you had 3 day embies put back this would be about 3 days after that...
  13. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Jade From the reading I've done and asking my Obst etc they've said day 6 of the embryo development they hatch and implant... so if you had three day embies then 3 days after that... or that's what I've been told.... I'll check though because this is on my mind too for next week... are...
  14. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hopes Yes, we will be very close for the FET! How are you feeling before this one? Feeling positive? Have you been doing acu too? It will be good to support eachother over the next 2 weeks... This week feels like a huge lead up- I'm going for acu, and Chiro almost every day, taking...
  15. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Little Twin Stars CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!!! This is fabulous news!!! Take care- see it was worth it!!! Wow there's been some wonderful news on this thread lately! There's a lot of luck floating around at the moment I'm also feeling very positive at the moment- finally got my LH...
  16. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi everyone Just catching up on all your news over the last few days... Little Twin stars- you hang in there- I really hope you get some good news for everything you've been through over the last few days. Jade- Hang in there too... I know what it's like to be trying for a long time and...
  17. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Little Twins You take care of yourself- not long to go, drink lots of water and hang in there! Jade Congratulations on your 3 embies- you have a great chance! I was reading that FET success per transfer can be around 33% with three embies, so stay positive! Hopefully I'll be joining...
  18. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Jade All the very best of luck for your ET tomorrow! I will be thinking of you and let's hope this is the one!! Just relax and try not to worry...It would be nice to have some good news pre-Christmas heh? Pupi Sorry to hear your news, condolences. Take care of yourself.
  19. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hopes Yes, this will be my third transfer (1 fresh, 1 FET). I'm doing acupuncture at Paragon Yu Yan Sang specialist TCM centre... with Dr Tang who is very nice. Also did Chiro for the first time yesterday- to re-align spine and nerve connections to the uterine area speciafically-...
  20. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Jade Thanks so much for your note. It's difficult- I feel quite guilty because I already have a child and some can't understand why you're so upset that you can't seem to have another, but for me it's about giving my son a brother or sister someday for him to not go through life alone...
