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  1. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hahaha... Hubs surprisingly is not disappointed about not having to jab me. It's an evening jab going and he works so late he can't make it home in time to do it anyway. I've only gone to Dr Zou during off peak hours once and I think it is better. I went around 5pm and there were like 2 pple...
  2. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    I survived my first gonal f injection! It was pretty painless. Feel much better now. Think I can even do it myself :) @redvel I have tried Dr Zou before. She definitely knows her stuff but she is so busy she doesn't have time to talk much and it feels quite impersonal. The wait can be a couple...
  3. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    All the best Fion! Excited and hopeful for you :)
  4. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    I'm so sorry ashkea. Go pamper yourself with all the things you love to do and eat, have a good cry, and jump back on the bandwagon with the rest of us. If you believe in statistics, the probability of success increases with each try! Your time will come!
  5. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Dr Chua is my gynae. I did 2 iuis with her. Both BFN though. She is really lovely and talks me through the scans and iui process from start to finish which puts me at ease. Not sure if she is a fertility specialist though that's why I moved to NUH for ivf. Also so I can take advantage of the...
  6. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks Redvel! Hubs hates needles more than me but he said as long as it's not going into him he has no issues administering injections. I thank God he is taking an active role in this process though. It would have been tough going through it alone.
  7. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Oh no, i'm actually down with the flu. Been sniffing the whole of yesterday! Argh! Must try and recover ASAP!
  8. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    @muff and @fruitful_one, those are helpful tips! Definitely going to get hubs to jab me, at least the first few times, till i get use to it. He looked a bit too eager and happy when I told him though! But I've seen him jab our diabetic 12 year old doggie so crossing my fingers he knows what he's...
  9. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thank you so much for your advice muff, redvel and the_fruitful_one. Will try not to think too much about it. Not good with needles so the next few weeks are going to be a trying time. It's good to know there are others out there who have been or are going through it :)
  10. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Ladies, new to this forum. Would be grateful for some advice. I'm starting stims this Friday. First ivf for me and a little nervous about the injections. Was wondering if in your experience it is advisable to rest during the first few days of stims. I'm deciding whether to take a day off or...
  11. P

    Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

    Thanks for the suggestion momocrv. Will look into it! Yes let's jia you! Hopefully this will be our time :)
  12. P

    Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

    Yes very blessed to have an understanding team and boss. I think you don't have to go into detail on the whole process when you talk to your boss. Maybe just say it's a "feminine issue" that you need an op for. Then they won't pile you with work during that period. Hope the conversation goes well!
  13. P

    Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

    I go to Dr Qiu in Ang mo kio. A little far from my place but I like her personality and she waits for me if I end work late. Have told my boss and teammates already. They have to cover me for the 2 weeks leave and once stims start I think chances are i will be coming in later on the mornings...
  14. P

    Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

    Hi Acadia! Always nice to have a cycle buddy :) Anything you are doing to prepare for this? I'm eating my folic acid and doing acupuncture twice a week. Also trying to eat egg whites but they are honestly not my favourite things...
  15. P

    Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

    I think he does give all patients nor-e for short protocol.
  16. P

    Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

    Hi ladies, will be starting my nor-e on 17th of this month and stims on 31st. It's my first ivf and comforting to know I'm not alone in this :)
