Recent content by tilafila

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    Remittance $$$ back to Myanmar

    Hi Joanne, I used to bring my maid to Penisula Plaza to remit money. Just approach any shop and ask for exchange rates and your maid will know whether its worth remitting. There's a surcharge of $2 to $3 per remittance.
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    ! Advice for work from home..plzzz..!!!

    Hi Lynette, I too would like to know, pls email me at [email protected]
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    !! What blender to use ??

    Ladies you might wanna try NTUC @ AMK Hub. I bought one from there and its cheap.
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    Window grill

    Hi, Anyone have any lobang for contractors for window grille. I'm sourcing for one to do for my balcony urgently.
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    Advice needed - Loss of mood

    Hi Chongsharon, I have spoken to my hubby about my problem but I would say he's just selfish. He asked me to solve my problem myself. I feel that he's more keen in satisfying himself. We use to have active sexual life but now with the kids around its affected.
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    Advice needed - Loss of mood

    I'm just afraid that if i don't resolve my problem that my hubby might stray.
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    Advice needed - Loss of mood

    I'm quite embrassed to share my problem but not sure whether anyone facing similar problem as me. After giving birth to my first child thru normal delivery with epidural, I have loss my sexual moods and find it difficult to bond with my hubby. I have read that massages are able to help but...
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    Yeast Infection...

    Hi Xueyi, Thanks for sharing your experience. When you mention insertion medicine, when do i get this treatment? Is it paintful? Will it cure the yeast infection 100%? I got it in my first trimster and am worried as I don't want my baby to be affected. What is thrust? Sorry to ask...
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    Yeast Infection...

    I'm pregnant with my second baby and am facing yeast infection. Its so itchy that at times i bleed from severe scratching. My gynae has give me cream to apply. Is it effective and how to I resolve this problem. Will it also affect my unborn baby? Has anyone had this problem before. Care to...
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    Hi, I'm working full time, shift job that requires me to work one weekend as well. I'm very upset that nowadays my son whose 9mths doesn't even recognise me. Whenever I carry him, he struggles and cries loudly looking for my mum and hubby who spent more time with him. I feel devasted as a...
