Recent content by Stefaureus

  1. Stefaureus

    Vacuum cleaner review

    Hi, anyone bought a HYLA vacuum cleaner ? How much did you pay ? Any comments or review and on the vacuum cleaner or the sales transaction ?
  2. Stefaureus

    Program for 2 year old

    Heard it before. But need to practice at home with your kid ? How much does it cost ?
  3. Stefaureus

    Program for 2 year old

    Thanks for the info.
  4. Stefaureus

    Program for 2 year old

    Was thinking of phonics but not sure if it is too young.
  5. Stefaureus

    Dustmite vacuum cleaner

    Hi I have the same experience recently. Should have done more research. So what is the outcome ?
  6. Stefaureus

    Any program for 2 year old ?

    My daughter has turned 2. Any programs suitable for her?
  7. Stefaureus

    Program for 2 year old

    My daughter has turned 2. Anyone with recommendation on what program is suitable for her ? Preferably near the west side.
  8. Stefaureus

    Vacuum cleaner

    I have a HYLA GST vacuum cleaner for sale. Price around $2800. Anyone interested ?
