Recent content by oceanicgal

  1. O

    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Hi Mummies, I'm new to this forum. I'm at 21wk, having bb girl. I'll like to join fb group. Can add me? My email address is [email protected]. My is Esther Chong.
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    (2011/06) June 2011

    Hey Mummies, Good morning!Terribly sorry for MIA so long, was super occupied with work. So glad to be back to the forum once again. I have few things that needa advise, hope mummies can help: 1) Post-natal massage?Any good recommendations? 2) Can we bathe during confinement? Which is...
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    (2011/06) June 2011

    clare > thanks for the link. chilli_padi > I dun think u are having MS in 2nd tri, i believe cos u're too hungry which resulted in the vomiting sensation. Sometimes I will get it too.
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    (2011/06) June 2011

    Christine > The black line is the stretch mark right? How come will have the armpit darkening syndrome? Cos of our hormones or body changes?
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    (2011/06) June 2011

    Ratatouille/qiuen > Do u mean if send them to our old school, no need balloting or PV? Cos my old school already closed down, only hope left will be DH's old school. =S
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    (2011/06) June 2011

    Thanks mummies for sharing ur maternity packages. qiuen > Omg, that's very scary! It's only kindergarten level. But as parents, we hope to give the best to our children if it's within our abilities. Hopefully, it doesn't bring more stress to the little one. Uziela > The fetal...
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    (2011/06) June 2011

    createjoy > That's nice, even better if our EDD are the same. Wahahaha.. How come u wanna change ur gynae? The previous one not good? After joining this forum, I realised the gynae that I'm with is much more expensive that other mummies. To date, I've calculated, every checkup costs me...
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    (2011/06) June 2011

    ann01jan > ur hubby really dotes on u leh. I wonder wat will be my hubby's reaction, hahaha.. but indeed it looks huge and bulky. But hearing ur reviews, I guess it's really no regrets huh. Will check it out at KKH or Paragon. So glad no need ship from USA.
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    (2011/06) June 2011

    ann01jan> I am interested in the S-Shaped pregnancy pillow that u mentioned. My First Years is an online shopping website? Any idea where else can I buy this support pillow? Christy> huh.. heartburn.. sob sob! Will it go off easily if I watch my diet?
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    (2011/06) June 2011

    Morning mummies. Sob, had not slept well last night again, dunno why ever since in 2nd trimester, will experience backaches and kinda gastric pain so frequently when i slept at night. I wonder is it my sleeping posture that's causing all these discomfort. =( Hanis/Clare > I also have...
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    (2011/06) June 2011

    Thanks qiuen for updating. Delfine > Yeah, can start shopping for clothes and choosing of names. ;)
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    (2011/06) June 2011

    E'leen > Thanks for the link on the video. I've just got back frm my checkup. Gynae has confirmed that it's a princess. Hohoho.. BB is measuring 10cm. Gynae told me my tummy small cos only 16 weeks how big can it be? Wahahaha, and she said cos it's first birth, usually the stretching...
  13. O

    (2011/06) June 2011

    Hey mummies, good morning! In a few hours time, will be seeing my baby again. Excited. Pray that bb is healthy, growing well, also be good, say hello and open legs let me and DH confirm the sex. =P Cos was kinda worried for these 2 weeks, friends and colleagues keep saying my tum tum is small...
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    (2011/06) June 2011

    Altáriël > I think baby shower and full month celebration means the same time in local context. But that's from what i know lah, dunno correct anot.
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    (2011/06) June 2011

    Thanks mummies for sharing how you choose the hospitals. Like what chil said, I think I will double confirm with my gynae tml which hospital she can delivers only before making my choice. Hopefully not just Gleneagles! =S From what you all have shared seemed like Gleneagles is really going...
