Recent content by lizzi

  1. L

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Hi Ladies, With all the talk abt pregnancies, we need to ensure after delivery of our babies, we look out for ovarian cysts and fibroids, one of the most commom problem women have . I had a real scare as during my regular checkups a couple of months ago, my Gynae Dr John Yam found a cyst in...
  2. L

    Cordlife or Stemcord

    Hi, did you hear about Cordlife's Quality Guarantee? They will offer a cord blood replacement or US$25,000 compensation if the cord blood unit is not viable at the point of transplant. check out this link - Looks...
  3. L

    Cord Life or StemCord?

    Hi Kim, CordLife is having this awesome Xmas promotion now. It is up to S$500 off + $0 upfront. It don't ever recall that they had offered such an attractive price before, so I guess this is a great time to sign up. Promo ends 20 Dec, I think. check out this link...
  4. L

    Cord Life or StemCord?

    Hi Kim, I attended Cordlife's baby seminar last month and they had introduced Sepax an automated cord blood stem cell processing technology which can recover more cells. More cells recovered is a good thing as higher number of stem cells will greatly enhance success of transplant. It...
