Recent content by lawrain

  1. L

    Napping baby

    Hi Celine, How do you manage your baby while you were trying to get her to nap? Like your baby, mine is also sleep resistant. I tried to establish a routine but he will stay awake and eventually start whining for attention or crying in frustration when he can't sleep. I had to resort to...
  2. L

    (Advice: How much milk can you pump in a session/ day)

    Hi mummies, Can I find out how much milk can breastfeeding mummy typically pump in a session/ a day? I'm asking because I'm currently on domperidone n fenugreek so wondering if I should stop these medications n try alternatives such as sacred tea. Even with Domperidone n fenugreek, I can only...
  3. L

    (advice: breastfeeding - how to tell if milk supply is established)

    Thks Serene Hi Rainbow, I did a search n found out tt original jamu massage sells it online. Check it out here Yup let's Jia you tog!
  4. L

    (advice: breastfeeding - how to tell if milk supply is established)

    Thanks Rainbow for the encouragement and advice. Oh no wat I meant was Maximum 110ml. Most other times only 40 to 80ml. Domperidone r pills that have to be prescribed. My gynae said can also get from guardian pharmacy.
  5. L

    (advice: breastfeeding - how to tell if milk supply is established)

    Thanks for sharing, Serene. Does your bb fall asleep immediately after feeding? When she is fussy, what do u do to calm her to sleep? In my case, I tried to walk arnd carrying him or let him comfort suck at my breast. But many times he'll wake up once I put him down to sleep or after 10mins...
  6. L

    (advice: breastfeeding - how to tell if milk supply is established)

    Dear fellow mothers, I need advice re milk supply. My bb is in his 8th wk already but I think my supply is not established yet. Previously I've blocked ducts which I've cleared w the help of lac consultants. And I took domperidone n fenugreek which help to boost my supply but ive yet to reach...
  7. L

    0-3 mths pregnant

    i'm now 6-7wks pregnant & overwhelmed with the info out feeling scared & confused over the bleeding i'm experiencing. it was brown few days ago. n yday n today it has turned red. And worse thing is i'm hit by cramps although it didnt last longer than 20mins. i dunno if it...
  8. L

    0-3 months bleeding

    i'm now 6-7wks pregnant & overwhelmed with the info out feeling scared & confused over the bleeding i'm experiencing. it was brown few days ago. n yday n today it has turned red. And worse thing is i'm hit by cramps although it didnt last longer than 20mins. i dunno if it...
