Recent content by J.Lau

  1. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    My LO also have red pimples like rash around the neck. My CL say no need to apply any cream or powder. Just keep LO cool and it will go away by itself. Today LO neck don't have those angry red pimples like thing already.
  2. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Hi mummies. I finally delivered on 28 Aug. A day before my scheduled induction date. But was in labour for more than 16 hours cos it just couldn't dilate that quickly till I ask for epi. So here she is...
  3. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Thanks all! Instead of admitting for induction tml, I have admitted as I having contraction since 4am. However now only 3cm dilate... guess it will b a long wait....
  4. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Thanks @hyuain! Am excited yet nervous at the same time...
  5. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    I am 1 day overdue. Yesterday gynae checked and I am only 1cm dilated. Did a membrane sweep in hoping that will speed up labour. Baby estimate 2.9kg and my water level is low but not low low. So he ask me to admit Tml night for induction. He didn't want to wait.
  6. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Congrats to those mummies who are ending or ended their confinement! I am among those who are just waiting. My EDD is this coming Tues but gynae checked last Thur and still not dilated. If by Tues still not dilated then gynae said will have to induce me which I really dun wan...
  7. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Alamak... like false alarm. But who knows... maybe is TONIGHT! Heehee!
  8. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Think you baby wanna come out today! Good luck and hope you will have a smooth delivery!
  9. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    and me three!
  10. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    @queeensg Wow! I still tot ur hub send u to work :D
  11. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    @queeensg U lucky lor don't have to take train/bus anymore. My hubby can only send me home after work because he start work earlier than me. I think the only thing that I will miss when I on leave is the 'free' air con in office. But at least last few days it is not as warm as one/two week...
  12. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Yes... @queeensg you are VERY optimistic... I tot I can survive I week before my EDD date but I gave up. The sleepless night now just added to the fatigue... the usual walk from the train station to my office was a breeze then but now half way thru, I felt my leg aching...
  13. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    I am a first time mum too and I think I have got everything prepared (I think). Yeah... I am glad I made the decision to go earlier because my pelvis starts to ache with every steps I take.
  14. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Yeah... Mine also last minute. I only inform my boss and colleagues on Wednesday that my last day is next Tuesday. Mad rush I tell u! Suddenly overwhelm with work bcos it's like all rushing u to do this and that before U leave. Sigh...
  15. J.Lau

    (2014/08) August 2014

    U referring to me right? Not yet. But bcos of this fear, I've bring forward my maternity to next week while my EDD is 26 Aug.
